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Rotman MBA

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Avg. Age

5 Yrs.

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Months Duration

What is a good GMAT score for Rotman MBA?

Short Answer – The average GMAT score at Rotman is 678 for the last entering class. If you score above 678, you have a fair shot and you will receive an encouraging response to your profile evaluation from the admission committee. 

Long Answer – There is no such thing as a safe score, higher is always better. In our years of consulting experience, we have seen our clients with 640 getting selected into top schools like INSEAD and on the other hand, someone with a 770 getting rejected too. A good benchmark that we advise all our clients to beat is the average GMAT score of the last entering class as mentioned in the Class profile published every year. Scoring above the average gets you a fair shot; 

“The higher your score, the better is it for your interview or admission chance.” 

If you plan to apply with a score that is below the average, then you are starting a fight with one hand tied behind your back or, let’s say, you are starting a few yards behind your competitors. You can definitely catch up in other sections of the application by writing outstanding essays or performing really well in an interview later. But it is always nice to start ahead of the competitor. A higher GMAT score helps one gain a competitive advantage.

“What if you are from the over represented Indian or Asian Pool?”

The over-represented candidate pool of Indian or Chinese applicants usually goes through a rigorous preparation process for GMAT, with a lot of Indian applicants scoring quite high. Hence, the overall competition and the Average score for this diaspora goes up by a few notches. That is why we recommend candidates within the most over-represented profiles to shoot at least 20 points higher than the school’s class profile average. 


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Average Employment Salary after Rotman MBA?

The average salary at Rotman for the last graduating class was $ 123,438. 96% of the class was employed with 3 months of graduation with majority of class going into consulting (24.4%), Finance (31.7%) and technology (11.2%) oriented functional roles. 

Rotman produces internship candidates who are well equipped for the workplace in a large economic hub city like Toronto. They are professional, technically sound and possess the right set of soft skills to succeed in the workplace. The Rotman Career Services office is great to deal with. They closely understand the employer needs and efficiently align with our hiring requirements. They respond with lightning speed and always have a solution.

Key Employers












Employed within 3 months of graduation


Avg. Salary

Tuition Fees & Scholarship at Rotman

The Tuition fees for Rotman MBA is $ 100,066 and an additional  $ 20,287 in living cost. 

Over $1 million in entrance awards and fellowships are available. Candidates who are selected to receive an entrance award will be notified when they receive an offer of admission. The earlier you apply, the greater your chance of receiving an award.

Important Scholarships


Cost of Attendance

$ 100,066

Tuition Fee

$ 20,287

Living Cost

Quick Overview & Rankings


FT Rankings



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FAQs about Rotman

A: Fulfilling the minimum criteria only guarantees you consideration for admission to the program. Successful admission often depends upon both your application and the comparative applications of the other candidates who are vying for the same program. Due to the competitive nature of the application process, successful applicants tend to significantly exceed the admissions criteria both quantitatively and qualitatively.

A: We value a holistic approach to admissions and take pride in reviewing all parts of your application, which includes your GMAT/GRE score. While we encourage applicants to put their best foot forward with a score of 550 or higher (or equivalent GRE), we consider your total application to be much more than your test score. While we require no minimum score, if your score is below the range you see in our class profile, we encourage you to get in touch with us to receive feedback on possible next steps. It is important to note, that no preference is given to one test over the other and that if you test multiple times, you may choose to submit all or only the highest result. When submitting multiple tests, we will take the highest score and all of its subsection scores. 

No. This is due to the cohort nature of the program, in which entering classes move through each class of their programs together. We do not accept transfer credits or provide exemptions for courses done at other MBA programs.

Candidates with an undergraduate degree equivalent to the University of Toronto’s four year degree have the option of writing the Rotman Executive Diagnostic Test (EDT) instead of the GMAT or GRE.

All candidates without a recognized undergraduate degree must write the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and achieve a competitive score. Preference may be given to those with a higher score.

The Rotman School does not offer direct financing for the program. However, we can provide you with contacts at major financial institutions who do offer packages for our students.

As the One-Year Executive MBA program is considered a full-time program, Canadian citizens or permanent residents who have Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) can use the Life Long Learning Plan (LLP) to finance their own education or that of their spouse/partner. Amounts withdrawn under the LLP do not count towards income and the RRSP issuer does not withhold taxes on these amounts. Withdrawals must be repaid over a period of not more than 10 years. For more information, consult the Canada Revenue Agency at www.cra.gc.ca.

Additionally, the tuition portion of the program fees is tax deductible. You will receive T2202 forms for each tax year. Please contact your tax advisor to see how this will impact your personal finances.

Please note, the Executive MBA is considered a private program and, as such, does not qualify for OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program) loans.

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