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IVEY Kira Video Interview

Interview Questions collected from Past clients

Ivey Kira Video Interview 

The Kira video interview is an online video interview platform that a number of business schools, notably Ivey, have utilised to evaluate potential students’ communication abilities, thoughtfulness, and overall compatibility with the programme.

Important Tips

  1. Practice: It’s a good idea to practice your responses before the interview, just like an in-person interview. Consider researching typical Kira video interview questions and working on responses that show your knowledge and enthusiasm for the job.
  2. Test Your Tech: Make sure your computer is up-to-date and that you have a reliable internet connection. Also, test your webcam, microphone, speakers, and any other equipment you’ll be using so that there are no issues when it comes time for the actual interview.
  3. Check the Lighting: Ensure that your surrounding is well lit. Moreover, ensure that your environment is professional and free from distractions like pets or children. Avoid background noise and any decorations or furniture that could detract from the interviewer’s attention away from you.
  4. Dress Appropriately: Even though this isn’t an in-person interview, it’s still important to dress respectfully as if it were an in-person one. Be presentable and wear clothing that reflects positively upon yourself when appearing on camera!
  5. Speak Clearly: When speaking to an interviewer during a video call, ensure that your speech is clear and concise by paying attention to how you enunciate each word and how quickly (or slowly) you speak each sentence aloud. 

Ivey MBA Frequently Asked Kira Video Interview Questions

  1. Tell us something about yourself that we can’t find in your application.
  2. How would you explain who you are?
  3. Tell us about a person or an experience that has helped you grow as a person.
  4. How do you think a close relative or friend would explain who you are? How would you describe being a leader?
  5. Tell me about a time when you went out of your way to help a coworker or a client.
  6. Tell me about a time when you and your team worked well together.
  7. Tell me about a time when you and someone else had to work together to find a solution. How did you decide to work together?
  8. Do you think profit should always come after social responsibility? What’s the deal?
  9. Tell me about a time when you were the only one who thought the way you did about something. How did you explain your stance? How did things turn out?
  10. How would you tell your grandma about Facebook?
  11. What would you be, and why, if you were a piece of furniture?
  12. What would you look for in a fellow MBA student?
  13. Explain how your background and leading skills will make other people’s lives better.
  14. Tell me about a time when you failed. 
  15. What are you bad at?
  16. What is the one thing you haven’t told us about yourself in your application?
  17. If a team member stopped answering your calls, what would you do? What would you say about that?
  18. How did you deal with a problem and tell what happened?
  19. At one point, you had to deal with a friend who was very hard to get along with. What did you do to deal with what was going on?
  20. If you were the CEO of your company, what are the three things that would keep you up at night?
  21. Why did you put those companies on your list of places you’d like to work after you get your MBA?
  22. What do you plan to do to get a job there?
  23. Why did you choose the job or profile you want to take on after you get your MBA?
  24. After IVEY, how do you plan to find work in Canada? What kind of investigation did you do?
    What do you worry about most about moving to Canada and going to IVEY?
  25. Do you know how the company you want to work for hires people?

Client Testimonials

Strategies for Kira Video Interview

Pay attention to your skills and attitude.

Kira does want you to do well, and doing well on the Kira assessment is all about showing that your skills and attitude match the goals and values of the institute. Show how you can solve problems and how excited you are.

Get ready for questions about your behaviour

Because the Kira interview is computerised and automatic, you might be asked to give short answers to questions about your behaviour. Prepare for these kinds of questions before your interview to make sure you have a good answer.

Show how much you know.

Your answer choices should show how much you know about the B-school. Make sure that each answer you give relates to some part of the job description and shows why you are a good fit for the school.

Take a Break and Think

When answering an open-ended question or a deep-dive critical question, it’s best to take a moment before answering. This will show AdCom that you carefully think about each answer before giving a response. This can help if they are testing your ability to think critically.

To find more, check out some dos and don’ts about video essays and interview, click here.

FAQs about Kira Interview

How does the Kira Talent one-way video interview take place?

During a Kira video assessment, you may be required to submit timed video and/or textual responses to questions that have been pre-recorded by the school. You will be able to record your responses from the convenience of your own home, and you will have complete control over the timing of these recordings. This interview is only one-way.

Once you begin your practise or asynchronous assessment questions, you will be able to view the number of questions you have, the format of your questions (whether they are video or written), as well as the amount of time you have to prepare and respond to each question.

You will watch a single instance of a pre-recorded video when you are presented with a video question. During both the time allotted for preparation and the time allotted for responses, the text of the related question will be shown on the screen for your perusal. You will respond to a video question in a format that is timed and recorded video. Using the countdown timer and bar that is located at the very top of your screen, you will be able to keep track of the remaining time you have for preparation and response.


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You can become more comfortable with the platform by answering the practise questions in Kira, and you can also use them to verify that your device is configured correctly. Nevertheless, it is important to be aware of the following main variations between the practise questions and the actual assessment questions:

During the period of practise, you are free to finish answering your questions an unlimited number of times. During the actual test, you will only have one opportunity to answer each question.
During the practise, you will have the opportunity to playback your responses and gain an understanding of how you come across to others. During the actual test, you will not be able to review your previous responses.
Only your answers to the authentic evaluation questions will be taken into consideration. Nobody, not even you, other than you, has access to anything you filmed while you were practising.
The similarities between the practise questions and the actual questions on the test are not guaranteed to exist. The amount of time allotted for preparation and response between each question is also subject to change.

To know more about types of questions in Kira, click here.

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You will not be able to repeat your questions once your responses to your asynchronous assessment have been submitted (or until your interview is over, whichever comes first). The school to which you are applying has the authority to decide whether or not to allow you to retake an examination in certain circumstances.

Please get in touch with the institution to which you have applied directly if you have solid evidence supporting the conclusion that you need to repeat the exam. Your responses are going to be analysed, and if a new attempt is necessary, you will be given one.


To know more about redo, retake and deadline extension for your Kira video interview, click here.

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In order to successfully finish any kind of test in Kira, you will need the following things:

  • Laptop or a desktop
  • Whether internal or external, a camera
  • Microphone, either internal or external (use of headphones is also acceptable!)
  • Speakers
  • Stable connection to the internet
To know more about what to expect from your graduate management Kira interview, click here

If this is your first time using Kira, it is highly recommended that you schedule aside fifteen to thirty minutes in order to finish the Check-In process.

Please click on the “Learn More” button that is located on your landing page in order to access to the “Details” page. This will provide you with more precise information regarding the scheduling of your asynchronous assessment or live interview.

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To find some tips about Kira Talent Video interview, click here.

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