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Esade MSBA

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Introduction to Esade MSBA

The data revolution is underway. As AI, big data and machine learning transform the business landscape, employers need a new kind of professional. They need next-generation managers who truly understand data – how to analyse it, harness its potential and turn it into actionable business strategy. We have one of the best business analytics masters to achieve it.
With Esade’s Master in Business Analytics, you’ll acquire the technical skills and business vision that employers are looking for. You’ll gain insights directly from pioneering experts and visit companies in high-tech innovative cities. And you’ll graduate ready to take your career as far as you want it to go.

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Avg. Age

<2 Yrs.

Avg. Exp.


Avg. Tuition


Avg. Salary

What is a good GMAT score for Esade MSBA?

Short Answer – All things considered, the average GMAT score for Esade MSBA  is 660+. If you score above 660, you have a fair shot and you will receive an encouraging response to your profile evaluation from the admission committee. 

Long Answer – However, there is no such thing as a safe score, higher is always better. In our years of consulting experience, we have seen our clients with 640 getting selected into top schools like MIT and on the other hand, someone with a 770 getting rejected too. A good benchmark that we advise all our clients to beat is the average GMAT score of the last entering class as mentioned in the Class profile published every year. Scoring above the average gets you a fair shot.

“The higher your score, the better is it for your interview or admission chance.” 

If you plan to apply with a score that is below the average, then you are starting a fight with one hand tied behind your back or, let’s say, you are starting a few yards behind your competitors. You can catch up in other sections of the application by writing outstanding essays or performing well in an interview later. But it is always nice to start ahead of the competitor. A higher GMAT score helps one gain a competitive advantage.

“What if you are from the over-represented Indian or Asian Pool?”

The over-represented candidate pool of Indian or Chinese applicants usually goes through a rigorous preparation process for GMAT, with a lot of Indian applicants scoring quite high. Hence, the overall competition and the Average score for this diaspora go up by a few notches. That is why we recommend candidates within the most over-represented profiles shoot at least 20 points higher than the school’s class profile average. 

Why Study Esade MSBA ?


FT Rankings


US News



Program Costs + Living Expenses : Esade MSBA

€ 30,500

Avg. Cost of Tuition


€ 24,000

Avg. Living Cost


Avg. Cost of Study

The Tuition fee for the Esade MSBA program is € 30,500 and an approximately additional  € 24,000 living cost is required for sustenance.

All things considered, the total cost of attendance sums up to around € 54,500. You can apply for various scholarships offered at Esade. Make sure to apply timely as per their requirements.

Important Scholarships

Employment Prospects : Esade MSBA


Employed within 3 months of graduation


Avg. Salary

    Most Sought-after Jobs

The average starting salary after Esade MSBA for the last graduating class amounted to €49,571.00. Altogether, 96% of the Esade MSBA graduating class was employed within 3 months of graduation.

The majority of the class went into the technology (39%) sector followed by consulting (27%), Finance (15%) and other oriented functional roles.

Key Employers

Eligibility Criteria for Esade MSBA

Application Deadlines - Esade MSBA

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Scholarships Available : Esade MSBA

Specializations & Electives Offered

FAQs About Esade MSBA

It is not mandatory, as we can conduct online interviews for Esade MSBA admission. But when possible, they recommend candidates take their interviews in person.

For Esade MSBA program admission, you can enter all types of work experience in the Education and Experience section as well as detail these experiences on your CV (Resumé).

You must submit proof of your English level for admission to the Esade MSBA program. If you are a native English speaker or you have completed your bachelor’s degree in English, you may be exempt from the requirement to take a language test. If your bachelor’s degree was taught entirely in English (+ 120ECTS), please send us a certificate from your university (e.g. diploma supplement) stating the language of instruction.

You should begin the Esade MSBA admissions process as soon as possible given that there are very few places on these programs; the committee starts assigning places around October and finishes in June. If you wait until the final months, all the positions may be filled. You do not need to wait until you have all the supporting documents to submit your online application. 

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