RMIT MeM Program Overview

Table of Content






Avg. Cost of Study


Months Duration 


Avg. Salary

Introduction to MeM at RMIT

Across industries, demand is growing for knowledgeable, creative and responsible leaders – people who have both a deep understanding of the latest engineering and technological innovations, as well as the skills to lead teams and organisations.

This degree prepares you to become an engineering manager or director in an engineering or technology-based company, by exploring real-world issues, problems and opportunities – such as risk and feasibility studies, environmental management systems, and international issues – and contextualising it all with contemporary management techniques.

You’ll learn how to develop a commercial proposal to win a major project, design a strategic business plan to improve organisational productivity, and enhance competitive advantage in a rapidly changing technological environment.

Your management skills and expertise will be developed through an exploration of key topics and management techniques, including:

  • managing innovation and change management
  • agile management and adaptive leadership
  • development of customer-orientated organisations
  • effective problem solving
  • technology management
  • challenging established practices and norms
  • strategy development for national and global markets
  • business model development for organisation growth.

Why Study MeM at RMIT?


FT Rankings


 Times Higher Education 


QS Top in Australia

Collaborative learning

Work with peers, connect with expert speakers and learn from the best in the industry.

Co-designed with industry

Developed in consultation with professional associations, academic staff and alumni.

Graduate job-ready

Gain hands-on, practical experience via an industry-relevant or research-intensive project.

Program Costs + Living Expenses : MeM at RMIT


Avg. Cost of Tuition


Avg. Living Cost


Avg. Cost of Study

In addition to tuition fees, you will be charged an annual student services and amenities fee (SSAF), which is used to maintain and enhance services and amenities that improve your experience as an RMIT student.

The SSAF is calculated based on your enrolment load and the maximum fee for 2024 is $351.  

For more information about calculating your actual SSAF see Paying SSAF.

You may also be required to purchase other items related to your program, including field trips, textbooks and equipment. These additional fees and expenses vary from program to program.

Employement Prospects : MeM at RMIT


Employed within 3 months of graduation


Avg. Salary

    Most Sought-after Jobs

Investment manager.

Change management engineer

Fashion retail project manager

Capital markets analyst


Mergers and acquisitions (M&A)

As a graduate of the Master of Engineering (Management), you’ll be well-placed to pursue a managerial or director role in mid to large enterprises.

Previous students have gone on to work for companies such as MMG, Shell, BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, SKM, Arrow Energy, AGL and Hofmann Engineering, among many others.

This postgraduate qualification will help you to take on new management responsibilities and leadership roles in both engineering and technology-based organisations.

To know more about career prospects at RMIT click here.

Eligibility Criteria for MeM at RMIT

Successful completion of an Australian bachelor degree (or international equivalent) in one of the following fields: Engineering, Technology, Business or Science with a GPA of at least 2.0 out of 4.0.

Applicants who have a successfully completed a relevant degree (as above) with a GPA of at least 1.5 out of 4, will be considered if they have at least 3 years of relevant industry experience.


Successful completion of an Australian postgraduate qualification (or international equivalent) in a related discipline (as above).


Applicants without any relevant prior qualification will be considered if they have at least 10 years of relevant industry experience.

If you wish to have industry or employment experience assessed as part of meeting the entry requirements you will need to provide a detailed CV/resume listing previous positions, dates of employment and position responsibilities; a statement from your employer confirming these details (or contact details of employer so RMIT can seek confirmation); and evidence of any relevant professional development undertaken.

International qualifications are assessed for comparability to Australian qualifications according to the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).


  • Some applicants may be eligible for exemptions. Approved exemptions may change the duration of their study in the program.

Documents required : MeM at RMIT

  • Online Application: Students have to submit an online application form at the official website.
  • Application Fee: Students need to submit their application fees.
  • Statement of Purpose: Reasons or intentions for pursuing studies in this program, including a description of prior experience.
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation: Three letters of recommendation are required; one letter must come from an academic source, although Stanford prefers at least two. Recommendations must be submitted online. 
  • Official GRE Test Scores: Students have to submit their GRE Test Scores.
  • ELP Scores: Students have to submit their English language proficiency scores like IELTS, TOEFL, or other test scores.

Application Deadlines - RMIT MEM

Event or deadlineDate
Application deadline6 March 2024
Acceptance deadline8 March 2024
Orientation week26 February – 1 March 2024
Semester 1 classes begin4 March 2024

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Scholarships Available : MeM at RMIT

Scholarship categories

  • Access & equity – for students who can demonstrate financial and/or educational disadvantage
  • Accommodation – for commencing students who are moving from rural/regional Victoria or interstate to study at RMIT in Melbourne
  • Achievement – for students who can demonstrate leadership, impressive academic results and other forms of achievement
  • Indigenous – for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students
  • International – for current international students
  • Women – for students who identify as women

To know in detail about all the categories of scholarships available Click here. 

FAQs About MeM

If your program requires assumed knowledge or prerequisites for admission, it will be detailed under Admissions on the program page.

Like all Australian universities, RMIT charges a Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) to improve your university experience. To find out what activities and services the SSAF funds, visit the SSAF page.

You can enter all types of work experience in the Education and Experience section as well as detailing these experiences on your CV (Resumé).

Find out about student orientation and program induction on the Your orientation page.

Find out what is expected of all RMIT students, and learn what constitutes high, general and academic misconduct on the Conduct page.

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