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Introduction to Online MBA at POLIMI

We require a new generation of leaders in the fast-paced, high-stakes corporate world of today. leaders who look to the future and are also innovators. You will develop your managerial abilities and discover how to use the power of purpose to deliver exceptional performance and help create a better future.

In collaboration with Amazon, Microsoft, Moleskine, and Vodafone, Polimi has created the International Flex EMBA (i-Flex EMBA). An Executive MBA is designed for managers who desire to blend their current work commitments with foreign study perfectly. They utilize one of the world’s most advanced digital learning platforms, created using Microsoft technology.

Why Study Online MBA at POLIMI?


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There are numerous benefits to earning a Online MBA from POLIMI. Here are a handful of the strongest arguments:

  • You have the chance to network with peers from all backgrounds and nations because the program frequently enrolls a varied cohort of students from those same backgrounds. In the current worldwide corporate environment, this exposure can be extremely valuable.
  • The program often offers flexibility in terms of scheduling and delivery, as the name would imply. Working professionals who desire to get an MBA without quitting their jobs may find this to be especially helpful. You may be able to balance your employment and education by selecting between full- or part-time study styles.
  • In particular, the engineering, technology, and management areas hold high regard for Politecnico di Milano. Your credentials might be improved and possibilities to job progression can be opened with an MBA from a recognized institution.
  • A broad range of business topics, including finance, marketing, operations, strategy, and entrepreneurship, are often included in the curriculum of an MBA program. Your ability to grasp business management holistically can be enhanced by this depth of knowledge.
  • Strong connections between the institution and national and international businesses may present chances for internships, networking, and job placement. These relationships may be useful for locating internships and employment opportunities.
  • Given the program’s worldwide focus, you may anticipate learning about international business trends and procedures. If you want to work for multinational organizations or pursue career prospects abroad, this can be especially helpful.

Program Costs + Living Expenses : Online MBA at POLIMI


Avg. Cost of Tuition



Avg. Living Cost


Avg. Cost of Study

The cost of the POLIMI Online MBA Program is approximately $39,000.

Fees: In addition to paying tuition, students must also pay fees. These fees pay for a range of costs, including student government dues, technology fees, and health insurance for students.

Supplies and books: The price of books Depending on the student’s course load and academic interests, the cost of books and supplies may vary. However, $500 each quarter is a fair estimate for books and supplies.

Additional costs: Additional costs could include things like entertainment, travel, and presents. Depending on the student’s particular spending habits, the price of these expenses may vary.

Employement Prospects : Online MBA at POLIMI


Employed within 3 months of graduation


Avg. Salary

    Most Sought-after Jobs







  • Technology: MBA graduates are in high demand in the technology industry, where they can use their skills to lead and manage engineering teams, develop new products and services, and solve complex technical problems. Some examples of technology companies that hire MBA graduates include Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon.
  • Finance: MBA graduates are also in high demand in the finance industry, where they can use their skills to analyze data, make financial projections, and manage investment portfolios. Some examples of finance companies that hire MBA graduates include Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and JP Morgan Chase.
  • Consulting: MBA graduates are also well-suited for careers in consulting, where they can use their skills to help clients solve complex business problems. Some examples of consulting firms that hire MBA graduates include McKinsey & Company, Bain & Company, and Boston Consulting Group.
  • Healthcare: MBA graduates can also use their skills to improve healthcare delivery, develop new medical devices, and manage healthcare organizations. Some examples of healthcare companies that hire MEM graduates include Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, and Abbott Laboratories.

Eligibility Criteria for Online MBA at POLIMI

  • A bachelor’s degree from an approved university, or its equivalent, is needed of applicants.
  • Candidates with relevant work experience are preferred for the Politecnico di Milano’s International Flex MBA program. The amount of experience needed can vary, but it often falls between two and five years.
  • Since the program is taught in English, international applicants whose mother tongue is another language may need to provide proof of their English language ability. Standardized tests like the TOEFL or IELTS are frequently used to do this.
  • For the International Flex MBA at Politecnico di Milano, applicants must submit their GMAT or GRE results.

Documents required : Online MBA at POLIMI

  • University Degree or equivalent from an accredited institution
  • Your official University Transcripts
  • Motivational statement
  • 1 or 2 letters of reference (optional)
  • Copy of your Passport or ID
  • Digital Photo – choose the format that works for you.

You have the opportunity to demonstrate to the admissions committee that you are a good fit for POLIMI GSoM by outlining your motivation for pursuing an EMBA in the statement. You are welcome to submit a conventional essay or even a slide show; there is no set length requirement for either of these.

Application Deadlines -Online MBA at POLIMI

18th  May 2023

Opening of the online application

18th July 2023 (11:59 pm CEST)

Closure of the online application/last day to pay the application fee

2th November 2023*

Last day to accept your admission and to provide your language certificate (to be considered for merit based scholarships)

June – September 2023

The outcomes are published on your personal profile

January – March 2024


February 2024

Beginning of classes

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Scholarships Available : Online MBA at POLIMI

Merit-Based Contribution

POLIMI is dedicated to encouraging innovators and collaborating with them to create a better future for all. You can receive up to 25% off the tuition cost if you are a deserving applicant who shares our objective and actively pursues it in both your personal and professional life.

Women’s Scholarship

POLIMI strongly support gender equality at POLIMI GSoM, particularly for women in management and entrepreneurship. We are providing study grants of up to €20,000 to the most qualified female candidates as a result. Female candidates will have the chance to win the WOMEN INSPIRING WOMEN Contest or receive the WOMEN4MANAGEMENT donation.

Club Contribution

Two female i-Flex EMBA students may get a 30% contribution from POLIMI GSoM. This is carried out in cooperation with the 30% Club, a global organization whose goal is to increase the proportion of women on FTSE 100 boards to 30%. The application date is September 15, 2023.

Ambassador Contribution

Candidates who are chosen to represent the School as alumni ambassadors may benefit from tuition cost discounts of up to 40%. The recipients of this gift will be expected to assist the marketing team with online presentations, international trade shows, and other marketing initiatives both during and after the program. This is available to two international flexible EMBA candidates.

Entrepreneurship Contribution

POLIMI GSoM value innovation highly, which is why we provide donations of up to €7,000 to suitable candidates. Simply submit an application to be considered if you are an entrepreneur, have previously established a start-up, or are a professional who wants to do so.

Sustainability Development Contribution

Being a B-corp approved institution, sustainability is important to everything they do. Outstanding candidates that deal with sustainability in their organization or work for a non-governmental organization (NGO) are eligible for donations of up to €7,000. The total of your tuition fees will be reduced by this contribution.

Specializations & Electives Offered

There are two alternative specialization tracks available if you want to focus on a certain subject and expand your understanding of it:

  • Digital and innovation
  • Leadership and transformation 

Specialisation in Digital Transformation

As an i-Flex student, you can choose to participate in a Management Bootcamp with a focus on Digital Transformation or a Silicon Valley Tour during your third optional week in order to further tailor your educational experience and obtain an Executive MBA with a specialization in Digital Transformation.

Digital Transformation Bootcamp

During the one-week intense Digital Transformation bootcamp, you will concentrate on interacting with technology and learning how they are altering company processes.

This elective week, which covers cutting-edge subjects including blockchain, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and the internet of things, will give you the chance to learn from experienced managers who are driving digital transformation as well as our excellent professors at POLIMI GSoM.

FAQs About POLIMI Online MBA

They hold the entire MBA course in English, but we also understand the importance of speaking Italian.  That’s why they also give you Italian language lessons during the course, in the Basics in Action phase. 

When you are accepted onto our MBA, you will be sent online pre-courses so that you can update your skills and knowledge before starting the MBA. You can do these in your own time and at your own pace, but please remember that you do need to finish them before the MBA starts. 

Please submit your applications online at www.applyformasters.net. If you would like any sort of help with your application don’t hesitate to contact them directly at [email protected]

The MIP test is POLIMI GSoM’s own admissions exam which you need to take in addition to the motivational interview.  The MIP test involves business case analysis, a logic-based test and data interpretation test. We hold this test online or on-campus, depending on your availability. 

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