ICN Business School Master in Management Overview

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Work Experience


Avg. Cost of Study


Months Duration 


Avg. Salary

Introduction to ICN Business School Master In Management

ICN’s Master in management is a general management programme studied over two years for international students:

  • Explore! – Nancy, Paris, Berlin – work/study or full time rhythm: in Master 1, you will choose a field of finance, marketing, business development, or management. The #ArtTechnologyManagement workshop “transformations” allows you to develop long-term projects in a multidisciplinary team.
  • Enact! – Nancy, Paris, Berlin – work/study or full time rhythm: the Master 2 allows you to deepen your knowledge by choosing a specialisation. It can be in the same field as chosen in the 1st year, but it is also possible to opt for a different sector, depending on your ambitions. Several options are available to you: the master 2 on one of our three campuses to quickly enter the job market, a specialisation with an MSc to complement your knowledge, the ATM double degree to develop a specialized dual skill set, or the international double degree to enhance your employability abroad.

Experience year (optional):

You can take a year out between Master 1 and Master 2 year to focus on gaining work experience, study or undergo training at a partner university, or pursue another project agreed between you and the programme director.

Why Study ICN Business School Master In Management?


FT Rankings


US News


QS Ranking

  • Create a study pathway that matches your career aspirations.
  • Develop your international profile by spending time abroad at one of our 120 partner universities around the globe.
  • Cross disciplinary barriers thanks to our #ArtTechnologyManagement teaching concept
  • Learn to surpass yourself and enhance your career prospects by taking on unique challenges during the seminar in Master 2.
  • ICN holds the triple accreditation (AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS) and our Grande Ecole Programme is ranked 10th in France and 36th in the world. (Financial Times 2023)

Program Costs + Living Expenses: ICN Business School Master In Management


Avg. Cost of Tuition/Yearly



Avg. Living Cost/Yearly


Avg. Cost of Study

The yearly living expenses for the ICN Business School Master in Management can vary depending on your lifestyle and chosen campus (Paris, Nancy, or Berlin). However, as a general estimate, expect to spend around €7,200 per year. This includes costs like accommodation, food, transportation, and personal expenses.

Keep in mind that this is just an average, and your actual expenses could be higher or lower. For a more personalized estimate, consider factors like:

  • Campus location: Costs are generally higher in Paris compared to Nancy or Berlin.
  • Accommodation: Student residences tend to be cheaper than private apartments.
  • Lifestyle: Your spending habits will significantly impact your expenses.

Employement Prospects: ICN Business School Master In Management


Employed within 4 months of graduation


Avg. Salary

ICN Business School implements various measures to help students look for employment even before graduation.

During your studies you can access career support by getting in touch with the Careers and Internship service
The careers and internship centre organises workshops and events every year to help students enter the job market in France or abroad.

  • Workshops to help you find internship/job opportunities: CV advice, tips on writing a covering letter, how to network, interview advice, etc.
  • Interview practice workshops in French or English with recruitment professionals
  • Student/graduate afterwork events
  • Business conferences on career opportunities
  • Career round tables with our business partners and ICN graduates
  • 2 recruitment fairs every year where students can meet nearly 100 businesses and 200 recruiters

The ICN ALUMNI association
After graduation, students can join the ICN Alumni association, a national and international network of 17,000 graduates which gives members access to an online directory for personalised discussions and organises various events for graduates: sector-specific groups, clubs where you can meet other people who share your interests, and get in touch with regional and global ambassadors.

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Specializations & Electives Offered

In master 1, you will choose a minor based on the sector that best aligns with your preferences. They are classified into three major families:


  • Audit et contrôle
  • Finance
  • Risk Management


  • Marketing
  • Management of Organisations
  • Branding


  • Ressources humaines
  • Innovation and Sustainability

In the 2nd year, it will be time to choose your major. Grouped into three main families, you will select a major that will allow you to deepen your knowledge in a specific field. A real advantage for your CV!


  • Audit et compliance
  • Contrôle de gestion
  • Banque et gestion de patrimoine
  • Corporate Finance / Finance d’entreprise
  • Finance & Risk Management


  • Marketing et innovation produit
  • Luxury and Design Management
  • Marketing digital
  • Stratégie marketing et développement commercial
  • Cultural and Creative Industries Management
  • Brand and Marketing Management


  • International Business Development
  • Management de la supply chain et des achats
  • Management des ressources humaines et innovations sociales
  • Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation

FAQs About MIM

ICN’s Master in Management offers a general management education with a strong international focus. While there are no official specializations, students choose electives in Year 2 to tailor their studies towards areas like finance, marketing, business development, or management. The program also emphasizes entrepreneurial thinking and creativity through workshops and projects.

Graduates develop leadership skills, strong analytical and critical thinking, global business acumen, and proficiency in digital tools. They also gain communication and teamwork skills through group projects and presentations.

ICN uses a blended learning approach with interactive lectures, case studies, simulations, group projects, guest speakers, and workshops. Emphasis is placed on applying theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios.

Currently, ICN’s Master in Management is offered as a full-time program on campus in Nancy, Paris, or Berlin. However, they offer online executive education programs and short courses.

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