Global 3 MiM

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Work Experience

 € 107,000

Avg. Cost of Study


Months Duration 

€ 56,064

Avg. Salary

Introduction to MiM at Global 3

The Stanford University Master of Engineering Management (MeM) programme is a STEM-designated degree that equips engineers with the crucial technical and managerial skills required by private and public organisations. The course strongly emphasises growing analytical skills, improving decision-making, creating and implementing plans, and managing creative teams.

The Stanford MeM programme, in contrast to an MBA, covers both the technical and behavioural difficulties of managing complex systems and organisations. Students get the chance to work with top academics and practitioners from Silicon Valley and beyond while receiving instruction from faculty members who are internationally known in engineering, business, and computer science.

Why Study MiM at Global 3?


FT Rankings


QS Top MiM

Coming soon…

Program Costs + Living Expenses : MiM at Global 3

 € 80,000

Avg. Cost of Tuition/Quarter


 € 27,000

Avg. Living Cost/Quarter


Avg. Cost of Study

Fees: In addition to paying tuition, students must also pay fees. These fees pay for a range of costs, including student government dues, technology fees, and health insurance for students. F

Living costs: Living costs change based on the lifestyle and housing preferences of the student. For a single student living on campus, however, a conservative estimate of living costs is  €27,000 each quarter. Housing, food, transportation, personal, and health insurance costs are included in this.

Supplies and books: The price of books Depending on the student’s course load and academic interests, the cost of books and supplies may vary. However, $500 each quarter is a fair estimate for books and supplies.

Transit: Depending on the student’s commute requirements and available transit options, the cost of transportation varies. However, $200 each quarter is a fair estimate for transportation.

Additional costs: Additional costs could include things like entertainment, travel, and presents. Depending on the student’s particular spending habits, the price of these expenses may vary.

Employment Prospects : MiM at Global 3


Employed within 3 months of graduation


Avg. Salary









The average salary at Global 3 for the last graduating class was €56,064. 100% of the class was employed within 3 months of graduation with a majority of the class going into consulting (31%), Finance (13%), and technology (49%) oriented functional roles. 

You will experience business in 3 cities, across 3 continents, and in the context of 3 world-leading business schools, all in 1 transformational year

Eligibility Criteria for MiM at Global 3

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Documents required : MiM at Global 3

  • Coming soon..

Application Deadlines - MiM at Global 3

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Application Essays - MiM at Global 3

  • Why are you applying to the Global 3 Program now? What is the professional objective that will guide your career choice after your MIM, and how will the Global 3 MIM contribute to the achievement of this objective? (500 words)
  • What do you consider your most significant life achievement? (250 words)
  • Leadership and ethics are inevitably intertwined in the business world. Describe a situation in which you have dealt with these issues and how they have influenced you. (250 words)
  • Imagine an entirely different life from the one you lead, and what it would be? (250 words)
  • What figure do you admire the most and why? (250 words)

Scholarships Available : MiM at Global 3

Coming soon…

Specializations & Electives Offered

Coming soon…

FAQs About MiM

First you have to create an account at and then begin to fill in your application. You are able to submit an application when:

· your application form is 100% complete

· you have uploaded all the required documents

· you have paid the application fee of €110

You can enter all types of work experience in the Education and Experience section as well as detailing these experiences on your CV (Resumé).

Students who are already enrolled in a program leading to a Master’s degree or an equivalent international advanced degree in Mechanical Engineering or a closely related discipline are not eligible for admission to Stanford’s MS program in Mechanical Engineering.

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