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RMIT MeM Interview Questions

RMIT MeM Interviews

About MeM Interviews:

The Master of Engineering Management (MeM) program at RMIT University is renowned for its rigorous curriculum and industry-focused approach. As part of the selective admissions process, shortlisted candidates are invited for an interview.

Typical Interview Method:

MeM interviews at RMIT can be conducted in two ways:

  • On-campus: Interviews are held in a designated interview room within the School of Engineering at RMIT’s Melbourne campus.
  • Online: In exceptional circumstances, particularly for international applicants, interviews may be conducted online using video conferencing tools.

RMIT MeM Frequently Asked Interview Questions

  1. Why are you interested in the MeM program at RMIT?
  2. What are your career goals and how does the MeM program fit into them?
  3. Describe your leadership experience and how it has prepared you for the MeM program.
  4. What are your strengths and weaknesses as an engineering management candidate?
  5. Do you have any questions for us?

Tips to Ace Your MeM Interview:

By familiarizing yourself with the interview format, and typical questions, and gaining insights into the panel composition, you can significantly increase your chances of a successful MeM interview at RMIT.

Key Tip: Stay calm and keep a smile on your face!

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RMIT MeM Interview Experience-1

“My interview was conducted online and it was good. I got in, and the course is as amazing as I wanted. The interview questions are light only and the panel was very supportive”

  1. Describe yourself to me. (Aim for follow-up inquiries.)
  2. What is your current work description?
  3. How was your time as an undergraduate?
  4. What hobbies do you have when you have free time?
  5. What are your long- and short-term professional objectives?
  6. List the three companies you hope to work for after earning your MeM Degree.
  7. What makes you desire a MeM Degree?
  8. Why RMIT?
  9. What are you going to bring to RMIT?
  10. Which other universities did you apply to? How are you going to decide where to go if you get into them all?

“These are the questions I was asked , hope it helps”

RMIT MeM Interview Experience-2

“My interview for the RMIT MeM took place on March 23, 2022. The interview lasted for approximately forty-five minutes. It was a Zoom interview that was simple to conduct.”

  1. Have you been to the campus? conversed with former students?
  2. Tell me about an instance in which you and your team didn’t get along. How did you handle it?
  3. Describe a time when you didn’t agree with your supervisor and how you resolved the issue.
  4. Give me an example of a time when things didn’t go as planned.
  5. Tell me about a moment at work when you were challenged to the limit.
  6. What would your pals say about you?
  7. Which achievement makes you the happiest?

“The interview was conducted without incident. His concluding remarks were quite uplifting. I wish everyone the best”

RMIT MeM Interview Experience-3

” The last step of my application procedure was this interview, it happened online, and there were two people on the panel”

  1. What specifically about RMIT’s Master of Engineering Management programme appeals to you, and why did you decide to pursue it?
  2. Could you give a summary of your engineering or related field-related academic and professional history and how it relates to your interest in the MEM programme?
  3. Engineering managers frequently deal with difficult problems. Could you give an example of a big engineering project you worked on and explain the way you handled the project’s organisational and technical aspects?
  4. For engineering managers, having strong leadership and communication abilities is essential. Could you give an example of a time when you effectively led or communicated in a technical setting?

“It was very formal and lasted for 15 mins”.

RMIT MeM Interview Experience-4

“Even though the first debrief here covers everything, I felt compelled to add my own experience because there are simply not enough debriefs for RMIT. My interview for the MeM was conducted on October 18, 2021.”

  1. Why do you think teamwork is important in engineering management?
  2. What are your career goals in engineering management?
  3. Can you talk about a project or practical experience that you’ve had in your field?
  4. What achievements in your career or studies are you proud of?
  5. How do you handle challenges or changes in your work or studies?

“This is all I can Remember, All the very best.”

RMIT MeM Interview Experience-5

“The interview went extremely well; the interviewer created a friendly, inviting environment that helped me feel much more at ease. I also appreciated that almost all of the questions related to particular details from my application, so I generally knew how to respond.”

The following topics were asked:

1. Define three qualities of a good leader. Which one do you need to work on most?
2. Describe a time when you reprimanded an employee for poor performance.
3. Describe your management style in dealing with staff and co-workers.
4. Tell me about the leader you most admire and why.

5. What used to be your childhood goal and how did it change to MeM?

” That’s all I remember now”

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