McGill MIF sample essays and recommendation letters

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McGill University Application Essays & Questions 2023-2024

  • Explain why you intend to pursue your master’s in finance studies at this time (maximum 500 words).
  • Explain how the  Masters of Management in Finance program will help you achieve your professional goals (maximum 500 words).

McGill University Winning Sample Essays – 1

Explain Why You Intend to Pursue Your Master’s in Finance Studies at This Time (500 words)

I intend to pursue my master’s in finance studies at this time due to the confluence of my professional experience, the evolving dynamics of the global finance industry, and my long-term career aspirations. Over the past several years, I have built a solid foundation in finance, gaining substantial experience and achieving significant milestones in roles at Stanbic IBTC Bank and PwC Nigeria. However, to propel my career to the next level and make a meaningful impact in the finance sector, I recognize the need for specialized knowledge and skills that only a rigorous master’s program can provide.

My current role as a Senior Associate in Global Markets Treasury at Stanbic IBTC Bank has provided me with extensive experience in financial markets, risk management, and strategic decision-making. I have successfully led projects involving foreign exchange trading, risk management, and financial analysis, such as negotiating with the Central Bank of Nigeria to unlock $380 million in foreign exchange flows. While these experiences have been invaluable, they have also highlighted the complexities and challenges of the financial industry and the need for advanced expertise to navigate these effectively.

The finance industry is undergoing rapid transformation driven by technological advancements, regulatory changes, and a growing emphasis on sustainability. To stay ahead of these trends and to contribute meaningfully to the industry, I need to deepen my understanding of advanced financial concepts, quantitative methods, and sustainable finance practices. Pursuing a master’s in finance at this time will equip me with the critical skills and knowledge required to address these challenges and to leverage the opportunities they present.

Furthermore, my long-term career goal is to establish a climate-adaptive energy fund dedicated to financing renewable energy projects and sustainable infrastructure development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Achieving this goal requires a comprehensive understanding of sustainable finance, innovative financing models, and the interplay between financial markets and environmental sustainability. A master’s program will provide the academic rigor and practical exposure needed to develop these competencies and to implement effective financial solutions that drive sustainable growth.

Additionally, the timing is ideal from a personal development perspective. I have reached a point in my career where I have accumulated substantial practical experience and have a clear understanding of my career objectives. This clarity allows me to fully appreciate and leverage the advanced education that a master’s program offers. Moreover, the global perspective and diverse network I will gain from an international master’s program will be invaluable for broadening my horizons and expanding my professional network.

In summary, pursuing a master’s in finance at this time aligns with my professional experience, the dynamic nature of the finance industry, and my long-term career aspirations. The advanced education and specialized skills gained from a master’s program will enable me to navigate the complexities of the financial sector, drive sustainable growth, and make a meaningful impact in the industry. This step is essential for achieving my career goals and for contributing to the global transition towards a more sustainable and equitable financial system.

Explain How the Masters of Management in Finance Program Will Help You Achieve Your Professional Goals (500 words)

The Master of Management in Finance (MMF) program at McGill University is uniquely positioned to help me achieve my professional goals due to its comprehensive curriculum, emphasis on experiential learning, and strong connections with the finance industry. My career aspirations include driving sustainable growth in the finance sector, particularly through innovative financial solutions that support renewable energy projects and sustainable infrastructure development. The MMF program at McGill will equip me with the critical skills, knowledge, and network needed to realize these goals.

First and foremost, the MMF program’s rigorous curriculum covers a wide range of advanced financial topics, including financial theory, quantitative methods, and risk management. Courses such as Financial Derivatives, Corporate Finance, and Investment Management will provide me with a deep understanding of complex financial instruments and strategies. This advanced knowledge is essential for developing and implementing effective financial models that drive investment in sustainable projects. Moreover, the program’s focus on financial technology and data analytics aligns perfectly with the evolving demands of the finance industry and my interest in leveraging technology for financial innovation.

Experiential learning is a cornerstone of the MMF program, and it is this practical approach that sets it apart. The program’s emphasis on hands-on experience through internships, industry projects, and case competitions will enable me to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. These practical experiences are crucial for honing my skills in financial analysis, risk assessment, and strategic decision-making. Additionally, the opportunity to work on industry projects with leading financial institutions will provide valuable insights into the latest trends and developments in the finance sector, enhancing my ability to navigate the complexities of the industry.

McGill University’s strong connections with the finance industry and its strategic location in Montreal, a major financial hub, offer unparalleled networking opportunities. The program’s extensive alumni network and partnerships with prominent financial institutions will facilitate mentorship, career guidance, and job opportunities. Building relationships with industry professionals and engaging with a diverse cohort of peers will broaden my perspectives and provide a platform for collaborative learning and growth. These connections are invaluable for gaining industry insights, identifying potential career opportunities, and establishing partnerships for future initiatives.

Furthermore, the MMF program’s focus on sustainable finance and responsible investing aligns with my long-term career goals. The program’s integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into the curriculum will equip me with the knowledge and skills needed to develop and manage sustainable investment portfolios. This expertise is critical for achieving my goal of establishing a climate-adaptive energy fund dedicated to financing renewable energy projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. By leveraging the principles of sustainable finance, I can contribute to the global transition towards a low-carbon economy and drive positive social and environmental impact.

In summary, the Master of Management in Finance program at McGill University will help me achieve my professional goals by providing a comprehensive education in advanced financial concepts, practical experience through experiential learning, and valuable industry connections. The program’s focus on sustainable finance and responsible investing aligns perfectly with my career aspirations, enabling me to develop innovative financial solutions that support sustainable growth and make a meaningful impact in the finance industry. I am confident that the MMF program at McGill is the ideal platform for realizing my professional goals and contributing to a more sustainable and equitable financial system

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McGill University Winning Sample Essays – 2

Explain why you intend to pursue your master’s in finance studies at this time (maximum 500 words).

As I approach a pivotal moment in my career, I have recognized that pursuing a master’s in finance is essential to achieve my long-term professional goals. The decision to further my education at this juncture is driven by my accumulated experiences, the evolving landscape of the finance industry, and my aspiration to make a meaningful impact in the field of Real Estate Private Equity (REPE).

My journey in finance began with a solid academic foundation in Business Economics from the University of Exeter. This was further strengthened by my role as a Consulting Investment Analyst at Finstop, where I conducted in-depth analyses of the Indian mutual fund universe and developed a proprietary ranking system. This role provided me with a deep understanding of financial markets and analytical methodologies, laying the groundwork for my future endeavors.

In 2019, I took on a leadership role in my family’s real estate brokerage business, Anoop Asthana Properties, as the Director of the Commercial Department. Here, I spearheaded the digital transformation of the firm, implementing CRM and project management software that significantly enhanced customer acquisition and retention. This experience was instrumental in honing my strategic thinking, leadership, and real estate market analysis skills. However, I have realized that to transition into a role at a leading REPE firm and eventually establish my own REPE firm in India, I need advanced financial expertise and strategic acumen that can only be gained through a specialized master’s program.

The rapidly changing dynamics of the finance industry, characterized by technological advancements and complex financial instruments, further underscore the need for advanced education. A master’s in finance will equip me with the latest tools, techniques, and knowledge to navigate these complexities and capitalize on emerging opportunities. Moreover, the increasing integration of technology in finance necessitates a deeper understanding of financial engineering and data analytics, areas that a master’s program will comprehensively cover.

The current timing is ideal for several reasons. Firstly, my professional experiences have provided me with a clear understanding of my career goals and the specific skills I need to achieve them. This clarity will enable me to maximize the benefits of the master’s program. Secondly, my background in finance and real estate has prepared me to contribute meaningfully to classroom discussions and collaborative projects, enhancing the learning experience for myself and my peers. Lastly, with my CFA Level 3 awaiting results, I am at a critical juncture where additional advanced education will synergize with my professional credentials to propel my career forward.

In conclusion, pursuing a master’s in finance at this time is a strategic decision driven by my accumulated experiences, the evolving landscape of the finance industry, and my aspiration to excel in Real Estate Private Equity. The advanced education and specialized training provided by the master’s program will be instrumental in bridging the gap between my current capabilities and my long-term career aspirations. I am confident that this step will not only enhance my expertise but also position me to make a significant impact in the finance industry.

Explain how the Masters of Management in Finance program will help you achieve your professional goals (maximum 500 words).

The Masters of Management in Finance (MMF) program at McGill University stands out as the perfect fit to help me achieve my professional goals in the field of Real Estate Private Equity (REPE). The program’s rigorous curriculum, practical focus, and strong industry connections align seamlessly with my career aspirations and will provide the comprehensive education and experience necessary to excel in this competitive field.

One of the key aspects of the MMF program that attracts me is its robust curriculum, which covers essential areas of finance such as corporate finance, financial markets, and financial modeling. Courses like Advanced Corporate Finance and Real Estate Finance are directly relevant to my career in REPE. These courses will deepen my understanding of complex financial concepts and provide me with the analytical skills necessary to evaluate and manage real estate investments effectively. The focus on financial modeling, in particular, will equip me with the tools to create detailed financial models for property valuation and investment analysis, which are crucial skills in REPE.

The MMF program’s emphasis on practical learning is another significant factor in my decision. The program’s applied projects and internships offer invaluable opportunities to gain hands-on experience in the finance industry. This practical exposure will allow me to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, enhancing my problem-solving and decision-making skills. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to work on consulting projects with leading financial institutions and real estate firms, as this will provide direct insights into industry practices and challenges.

Furthermore, McGill University’s strong connections with the finance industry and its extensive alumni network will be instrumental in achieving my professional goals. Networking with industry leaders, attending guest lectures, and participating in career events will open doors to valuable mentorship and career opportunities. The support from McGill’s Career Management Services will also be crucial in navigating the job market and securing a position at a top REPE firm such as Blackstone or Brookfield.

The interdisciplinary approach of the MMF program, integrating coursework from finance, economics, and data analytics, will also be beneficial. The ability to analyze and interpret large datasets is increasingly important in REPE, where data-driven decisions can significantly impact investment outcomes. The program’s focus on data analytics will enhance my ability to assess market trends, evaluate investment opportunities, and develop innovative financial solutions.

In the long term, I aspire to establish my own REPE firm in India, focusing on sustainable and high-yield real estate investments. The entrepreneurial spirit fostered at McGill, combined with the strategic and financial acumen gained from the MMF program, will be critical in achieving this goal. The program’s emphasis on ethical and sustainable finance aligns with my commitment to responsible investing and will guide me in building a firm that prioritizes both profitability and positive social impact.

In conclusion, the Masters of Management in Finance program at McGill University is the ideal platform to achieve my professional goals in Real Estate Private Equity. The rigorous curriculum, practical learning opportunities, and strong industry connections will equip me with the knowledge, skills, and network necessary to excel in this field. I am confident that the MMF program will provide the foundation for a successful and impactful career in finance.

McGill University Recommendation Letter – Key Questions

Candidates must provide two letters of reference from individuals who have been directly responsible for evaluating their performance and potential. On the application form, you must provide the names and email addresses of two referees who can evaluate your abilities. You may send this recommendation form to referees for completion, or the referees may choose to write their own recommendation letters. Once your application has been submitted, McGill will contact these referees directly and ask them to upload their references.

MiF Recommendation Letters
(Free Samples & successful Examples)

Professor - Recommendation letter Sample 1

Here is a quick PDF of a sample recommendation our client submitted for a successful admit. 

Free Sample Recommendation Letter For Masters Application -  -


Admissions Committee

HEC Paris – Masters in Finance Program


Date: 08-09-2023


Subject: “Recommendation letter for Akhil’s application to MIF program at HEC Paris”

Dear Admissions Committee, 

I have known Akhil for over 2 years now. He was a student in my Entrepreneurship course as part of his Minor in Entrepreneurship and Management. As a student in my class, Akhil showed great skill at applying these notions in the more practical in-class quizzes, his final group business pitch at the end of the course, and his professional activities at UBS. Akhil’s also had a remarkable performance in my course, in which Akhil got the highest grade possible of A+. 

In terms of his potential,

Akhil stood out to me in the final project that I gave as part of the course evaluation.  As a major assessment, I give a project assignment for students to work in groups and pitch a good, self-sustaining business idea.

Akhil took the initiative and created a multicultural and diverse team with students not only from different countries but also students from different majors and successfully delivered a group business pitch for a student-run laundry and cleaning business. The idea picked by his team was unique, and he actively sought my advice and mentorship to make the team and the project successful. 

Another noteworthy facet is the analytical research done by Akhil before and after seeking my advice; he actively made an effort to learn about diverse topics that he had not been exposed to before and was successfully able to learn about the different aspects of entrepreneurship, such as management and finance. Demonstrating his goal and detail-oriented ability. Rhe idea, the data oriented research, and the financial analysis were really impressive (synthesized and executed on assigned taks). Also, the real-world considerations regarding the execution of the pitch, as well as the cohesive delivery from a team collaboration perspective, were good. 

I liked the project, and I asked Akhil if I could include the pitch and presentation as teaching material for my course as well as offering a Research Assistant position to Akhil in the next summer, which he was unable to take due to him having graduated

With his analytical skills and his collaborative approach, it came to me as no surprise that he was able to successfully chase his goal and transition into finance directly from his undergrad in engineering, landing a role in finance with UBS in their Investment Banking Operations in Hong Kong. 

In terms of his potential areas of Improvement

I think Akhil’s analytical nature and detail-orientedness sometimes leads to him getting too caught up in details and spending excess time on the intricate details, leading to improper time management. 

In the group project, Akhil struggled with time management and was a week behind schedule for his group due to him giving equal attention to all the details of the presentation, losing track of the bigger picture of the project. With my guidance, he was able to get back on speed and submitted the project by the submission deadline. But I believe that Akhil needs to work on gaining a view of the overall project that he is working for better time management.

Overall Recommendation

Akhil is only starting his financial career, but he has the analytical skills and a level of understanding about management, teamwork and other elements of organizational life that are comparable to other top students that I recommended before to Masters programs. 

Akhil’s progress at CityU and at UBS clearly demonstrates his intellect and hard work. He is capable and has an acute intellectual capacity for thinking analytically. I believe Akhil is on track to make a successful career that blends his quantitative inclinations with his qualititaive skills, inspiring those that he will lead and work with. 

To conclude, I strongly recommend Akhil, and I would be happy to talk with you specifically about his candidacy if you have additional questions.


Professor XXXXXX
Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Management

XXXX University

How long and in what capacity have you known the candidate?

I have known Pranav for roughly one and a half years. I was his mentor during his internship with UBS. Although he completed his internship and has moved on, we still continue to keep in touch to exchange different business ideas.

What do you think about the candidate’s professional performance and potential (including any room for improvement)?

When Pranav started his internship with UBS, he was one of the most proactive interns. Since he didn’t have a finance background, he showed keen interest in learning and came up the curve very quickly. 

The team assigned him Automation and Efficiency-related projects, and while working in the automation team he managed to stand out from other interns by providing solutions that were slightly outside of the box and impressed everyone on the team. 

For instance, he met with various team leads to understand their automation requirements and one team lead expressed her frustration with the manual risk report that used to take 10-12 hours every quarter. After the meeting, Pranav took the proactive step of helping automate this report for the team. The specific process automation that he implemented was for risk reports for the risk team. The team had a manual time consuming process in which they had to refer to multiple Excel sheets to create their quarterly risk report. Pranav understood and mapped the entire process before using an automation tool to automate it. This led to a time reduction of 90 percent in the compilation of the report. The automation process he designed was ingenious; no one had thought of using it before, and that is why I think everyone was impressed with his out-of-the-box thinking. 

Apart from that, another one of his biggest strengths is his willingness to take initiative. 

To highlight another instance, he noticed the dashboards in Operations and wider UBS were on Tableau, he took the initiative to compare Tableau and PowerBi and pitched shifting the employee statistics dashboard to PowerBi. The management team agreed and Pranav successfully created an Employee demographic dashboard on PowerBi. This led to cost savings for the department as UBS was already paying for PowerBi. He also took even more initiative, helping others in his team and UBS get certified on PowerBi and documented his knowledge for everyone before he left his internship.

On the flip side, when it comes to areas of improvement, I would also say this proactiveness and eagerness sometimes led to difficult situations. Like other fresh hires, he was also trying to prove himself in the initial months of his tenure with the team. However, this often meant that he would try to manage and solve things on his own instead of seeking help. This led to delays and situations becoming critical.

Pranav was tasked with getting certified on Automation Anywhere, another automation tool used by the team. He was unable to crack the certification according to the timeline assigned to him and was delayed by a month in getting certified. He tried to manage and solve the situation but was unable to do so without help from his team, this delay led to an increased workload for the rest of the team and longer hours as work had been earmarked for Pranav to do as soon as he would be finished with the certification. 

Overall, I would say that Pranav has great potential; he is not afraid to take the initiative and present his ideas.

Manager – UBS, Hong Kong Offices

How do you know the applicant? How long have you known them for?

I have known Huang for almost 2 years now. 

I came to know Huang when he was working at Chainfir Capital. I was an investor of the fund at Chainfir Capital. Huang worked as an investment manager at Chainfir and we had meetings together from time to time.

Later when Huang and his colleagues decided to start their own Venture Capital fund (Genesis 22) focused on crypto industry, I joined their venture both as an investor and an advisor of their VC Fund. 

What would you say are the applicant’s key strengths and talents?

After working with Huang, I think one of his key talents is that he is very detail oriented and loves to perform extensive due diligence.

For instance, Genesis 22 was close to making an investment decision on a project called Glitter Finance last year. At the time, it was a rather popular project among VCs and had already received several investments. The analyst in our team provided positive comments on its technology and future potential. 

Huang was responsible for speaking with the project team and conducting due diligence. He was able to approach the situation with a sceptical mind and later identified several risks of the project by paying attention to each detail. He made an analysis of the profile of each team member of the project and determined that the technical background of the team was not strong enough to develop the promising highly technical project they claimed. Also, he mentioned that while observing all the interaction between the founder of the project and individual investors in the community group, he noticed that the founder often gets angry easily when facing tough questions. 

He raised these concerns during the investment decision meeting, and at the end of the meeting, we decided not to invest. A few months later – the project went bust because the value of the project was way inflated and every institutional investor suffered a loss. I am glad that Huang was able to pay close attention to such details and has always worked with great attention to achieve better performance.

Another key talent of Huang is his multi-tasking skills. I am really impressed by his performance in dealing with a variety of projects simultaneously. When he works as an investment manager in the team, he needs to handle the communication and investigation with 5-8 projects at the same time. He has never left others waiting for his work, and we can always set up the evaluation meeting in the anticipated time frame. He is also able to deal with the pressure when there are extra projects which need his attention.

What would you say are the applicant’s key weaknesses or areas for improvement?

As the founder of a venture capital firm, Huang has built a team and became a leader at such a young age. But I think there is still room for improvement in his management skills, especially in delegating workload. 

As Huang prefers to participate in every stage of the investment decision of a certain project, it limits the overall number of projects he can oversee. For example, he spent much time on initial screening and understanding complex technology concepts of different projects. In my opinion, he could delegate this work and trust his colleagues to complete these tasks as our analysts with technology backgrounds are capable of determining the technology feasibility so that he can invest most of his time in reviewing the big picture.

Second thing I have asked him to improve upon is that he can sometimes be over-optimistic and confident when things are going well. From my perspective, it is crucial to keep a cool mind when dealing with different market situations. When he started Genesis 22, several investments that we made looked promising. Consequently, he was on the aggressive side to allocate a higher proportion of the fund to such projects. However, when there was a change in the market trend and crypto industry started crashing, some investments did not perform as well as we expected. The fund suffered extra losses because of the higher allocation made to these investments. 

Huang realized his mistake afterwards and became more cautious in making an allocation to investments to improve the diversification of the portfolio. I hope he has learned his lesson and does not repeat the same mistake again. 

In which areas of development has the applicant progressed most in the time you’ve known them?

Overall the one big area where I think Huang has really improved is his ability to find and initiate business opportunities and partnerships.

When he started Genesis 22 Ventures, His venture was not receiving stable cash flow except for the return on the investments. He or his patterns did not know that a venture capital fund can expand its business through partnerships and pitching good projects to other VC firms. This way they can build a revenue stream based on commission without risking their own money. 

When I brought this up to him, he learned the rules quickly. He has put in great effort in communicating with other VCs to understand how others operate and create business ideas. The first few times when I had meetings with Huang he could only interpret the general basics of the start-up projects. Therefore, he was not able to provide insightful opinions in decision making. After Huang talked to many teams and spent much time reading industry news, I observed that he was getting better and better at describing business models of different projects in a big picture. Although Huang doesn’t have a strong technology background, he is able to integrate the work of analysts into his knowledge and present a blockchain project in a big picture smoothly.

Through partnerships and advisory services, Huang has helped the venture generate around $40,000 in extra revenue. Genesis 22 has expanded its services to crypto exchange listing consulting, funding advisory and community management for startup projects, etc.

I have seen him learn and grow and I think Huang has progressed massively in his commercial awareness.

If you are a professional referee, would you work with the applicant again post-Masters in Financial Analysis?

Absolutely. Although his fund currently suffers a drop in the quality of deal flow given the bearish situation of the blockchain market, he has made the right decision to make very few investments recently based on the interests of investors. I respect his decision to pursue a master’s in finance degree, and if he wants to resume his Venture Capital firm full-time or work at my VC in the future I would love to work with him again.


  1. Choose the Right Recommender:

    • Select someone who knows you well, can speak to your professional skills and achievements, and can provide detailed and specific examples of your work. Current or past supervisors, clients, or mentors who have worked closely with you are ideal choices.
  2. Provide Specific Examples:

    • Ensure the recommender includes specific examples of your accomplishments, skills, and experiences. This makes the recommendation more credible and impactful. Detailed anecdotes and quantifiable achievements are particularly effective.
  3. Meet with Your Recommender:

    • Schedule a meeting with your recommender to discuss your goals, achievements, and reasons for pursuing an MBA. Provide them with a detailed résumé and a list of your accomplishments to help them write a thorough and personalized letter.
  4. Ensure Timely Submission:

    • Set a personal deadline for your recommenders that is well ahead of the actual application deadline. This helps ensure that your letters are submitted on time and reduces last-minute stress.
  5. Highlight Strengths and Areas for Growth:

    • Encourage your recommender to provide a balanced view by mentioning your strengths along with areas for growth. Constructive feedback adds credibility and shows your willingness to improve.


  1. Don’t Write Your Own Recommendation:

    • Never write your own letter of recommendation, even if a recommender suggests it. Admissions committees can easily detect self-written letters, which can harm your application.
  2. Don’t Choose Recommenders Based on Title Alone:

    • Avoid selecting recommenders solely based on their impressive titles or positions if they do not know you well. A letter from a CEO or politician who has minimal interaction with you is less effective than one from someone who can provide detailed insights into your work and character.
  3. Don’t Use Generic Praise:

    • Ensure your recommender avoids using vague, generic praise without backing it up with specific examples. Statements like “She is a great employee” are less impactful than detailed anecdotes that illustrate why you are exceptional.
  4. Don’t Ignore the Application Instructions:

    • Make sure your recommenders follow the specific instructions and format required by each business school. Different schools may have varying requirements, and it’s important to adhere to them.
  5. Don’t Overload with Superlatives:

    • Encourage your recommender to be honest and avoid excessive use of superlatives. Over-the-top praise without substance can seem insincere. Balanced, realistic assessments that highlight genuine strengths and achievements are more effective.

These do’s and don’ts will help ensure that the letters of recommendation are strong, credible, and supportive of your MBA application.

Here’s is a quick template tailored for candidates applying to a Master’s in Finance program:

Admissions Committee
[Finance Program Name]
[University Name]
[University Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]


Subject: “Letter of recommendation for [Candidate’s Name]”

Dear Members of the Admissions Committee,

I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation for [Candidate’s Name]. I have had the pleasure of working with [Candidate’s Name] at [Company Name] for [duration], where I serve as [Recommender’s Title]. In my capacity, I have directly supervised [Candidate’s Name] and have gained a thorough understanding of their professional capabilities and character, particularly in the field of finance.

Specific Examples of Performance and Achievements

[Candidate’s Name] has consistently demonstrated exceptional [skills/qualities] in finance. For example, in [specific project/task], [Candidate’s Name] [specific action taken], which resulted in [quantifiable result/outcome]. This achievement is indicative of [Candidate’s Name]’s [particular quality, e.g., analytical skills, financial modeling, risk management].

Another instance of [Candidate’s Name]’s capabilities was during [another specific project/task]. Here, [Candidate’s Name] [specific action taken], leading to [quantifiable result/outcome]. This project highlighted [Candidate’s Name]’s ability to [related skills, e.g., manage financial portfolios, conduct market analysis, handle complex financial challenges].

Constructive Feedback and Areas of Improvement

During our time working together, I provided [Candidate’s Name] with constructive feedback on [specific area for improvement]. In response, [Candidate’s Name] [specific actions taken to improve]. This demonstrated their openness to feedback and commitment to personal and professional growth in the financial sector.

Leadership Skills and Team Inclusiveness

[Candidate’s Name] is known for their inclusiveness and encouragement of others. For example, during [specific instance], [Candidate’s Name] [specific actions taken to include and encourage others]. This behavior fostered a collaborative and supportive work environment and showcased their leadership and interpersonal skills.

Conclusion and Endorsement

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly endorse [Candidate’s Name] for the [Master’s in Finance program] at [University Name]. I am confident that [Candidate’s Name]’s [specific strengths/qualities] will be an asset to your program and that they will thrive in the academically rigorous and collaborative environment of [University Name].

Please feel free to contact me at [Recommender’s Email] or [Recommender’s Phone Number] if you require any further information.


[Recommender’s Name]
[Recommender’s Title]
[Company Name]

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