Birmingham MeM Sample Essay & LORs

Birmingham MeM Application Essay 2023-24

Personal statement, approximately 5,000 characters, explaining why you are interested in studying on your chosen programme. This can be uploaded to the personal statement section in PDF or Microsoft Word format. Alternatively, you can type this within the application portal.

There are various differences in personal statements for a first degree, but it is also a good idea to think of the statement like a job application. The word limit is higher, so you are expected to provide more detail and you will need to provide evidence of critical thinking and research skills, since these are more significant components in Masters courses. When reading your statement, our Admissions want to see your interest and commitment to the subject. Follow our guide below to ensure you address the above in your statement.

Do your research
Research the course and its links to careers, and the example modules within the course
Think of some reasons why you want to do this particular course
Read through the entry requirements and course description very carefully: identify the keywords and phrases and think about how you can provide evidence of these skills.

Writing (‘the four Ps’)
Passion for your subject – Demonstrate your academic interests, eg, further reading, favourite modules, related events like exhibitions, conferences and workshops.

Person – Why you? Give evidence of your previous experiences, motivations, career goals.
Preparation – Apply your skills to the skills listed in the entry requirements and course description. Always give evidence to prove you have these skills. These skills could be from academic work, employment, research placements, internships, societies or other roles.

Place – Why here? Tailor the personal statement to the particular course: you can apply to more than one Masters course but each personal statement should be slightly different so that it is relevant to the individual course. Demonstrate that you have researched the course and the University. What do you like about Birmingham: staff interests, modules, resources, the postgraduate community?

If you are returning to study after employment
Think about how you can relate your current and previous employment to the skills required for studying this programme. Admissions tutors are looking for your commitment to the course, so if you can display your time management and project management in a working environment, this will show your transferable skills (much like a job application).

Birmingham MeM Letter of recommendation 2023-24

Here you have the option to either upload your references if you have them already, or input details of your referees so that we can contact them automatically once you have submitted your application. See the References section below for more information on the types of references we accept and the format they need to be in.

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