Colorado School MeM Sample Essay & LORs

Colorado MeM Application Essay 2023-24

    The purpose of this requirement is to briefly introduce yourself to the Graduate Admissions Review Committee by sharing your professional, academic and personal goals and why you believe Colorado School of Mines is the best place to achieve those goals. In addition, any skills or experience that you have and believe are applicable to a Teaching Assistantship or Research Assistantship award should be addressed in the statement. Please keep your statement to one to two pages in length, at the most (~500-750 words).

Colorado MeM Letter of recommendation 2023-24

Most graduate programs require Letters of Recommendation as part of the admissions application requirements. Please see your program of interest webpage for specific requirements.
Please have your recommenders submit letters of recommendation through the online application system (details below) or by emailing them to:  [email protected]. Letters of recommendation must come directly from the recommender.

Inform your recommenders that they will submit their recommendation letter through the online application system. An email will be sent to the email address you provide on their behalf. Please ensure that you enter their email address correctly in your application. Once the recommender submits their letter, you will be able to see this update in your Applicant Portal.
We recommend requesting letters from contacts who are knowledgeable of your academic and professional capabilities and experiences. In particular, faculty members whom you have worked closely with or supervisors/colleagues from a related job or internship experience.

We encourage your recommenders to specifically describe your qualifications with regard to the degree program into which you are applying to.
All letters of recommendation must be received by the admissions application deadline for your application file to be completed. Learn more about the application deadlines. Application files without all materials, including the letters of recommendation (if required), will not be sent for review until they are complete.

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