INSEAD MiM – Sample Essays & Recommendation Letters

INSEAD Master in Management – Sample Essays

  1. How would you describe yourself? (Maximum 200 words) *
  2. Describe all types of extracurricular activities in which you have been or are still involved for a significant amount of time (clubs, sports, music, arts, etc.). How are you enriched by these activities? (Maximum 200 words) *
  3. Tell us what you have been doing since graduating from secondary education and what motivated your choices? (Maximum 200 words) *
  4. Please give us all the information about your activities and occupation from now until the start of programme. (Maximum 40 words) *
  5. Share your short and long-term career aspirations with a MIM from INSEAD. (Maximum 100 words) *
  6. Is there anything else that was not covered in your application that you would like to share with the Admissions Committee? (Maximum 300 words)

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