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If you are early in your MBA application process, you may be considering a range of options from where you may pursue an MBA to which type of MBA program you should consider. The most important aspect to consider in these decisions is your ultimate career and personal goals, and to make a decision based on what will suit your objectives best.


As the world shifts in focus and international business becomes an attractive path for both US residents and international students, a range of international options have arisen. From CEIBS to Cambridge Judge, HEC Paris to IE, the main advantage of international MBA programs is more flexibility. European, Canadian and Asian programs often offer programs that can be completed in far less time than a traditional 24-month program in the United States and can offer a range of locations and types of programs.

Cost is another consideration that may lead you to consider international programs. Many programs are significantly less expensive than the top US programs and combined with the lower opportunity cost of time spent away from your career, could be an economical option for you.

If you are an international applicant, a program in your home country or region may offer equal opportunity for career advancement in your location. And as a student from the United States pursuing international opportunities, a school in your target region may have similar benefits. If you are seeking jobs in the United States, it is often a better option to pursue either a program such as INSEAD or LBS that is well-known in the US, or a US program.

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