NYU Stern MBA Interviews
As per the website of NYU Stern School of Business –
Interviews are by invitation only and are an important part of the application process. You must interview to be admitted to NYU Stern’s Full-time MBA, Tech MBA, or Fashion & Luxury MBA.
A member of the Admissions Committee will conduct your interview. In most cases, this is a member of the MBA Admissions team. In some instances, your interview may be conducted by another Stern administrator or an alumnus/alumna of the MBA program who has been selected and trained to conduct admissions interviews. These individuals are also official members of the Admissions Committee.
The NYU Stern MBA interview will last approximately 30 minutes.
Plan to arrive early, as you will need to sign in at the security desk in the lobby prior to coming to the MBA Admissions office. The security desk will require photo identification. If you cannot travel to NYU Stern, you may inquire about interviewing at one of our offsite locations in March. These interviews are typically held in London, India and China. Priority consideration is given to applicants who apply by October 15. Email [email protected] for more information. Phone/skype interviews are almost never granted and reserved for extreme circumstances.
For more information click here.
Who will interview you, and how long will the interview last?
The NYU Stern MBA program interview is usually conducted by one of the panel members. The interview typically lasts for 25-30 minutes or may extend to 35-40 minutes in some instances.
Will the interviewer have read my application?
The Panel member has access to your complete application. In most instances, they would have read it completely.
How can you prepare for your interview?
Like most MBA Interviews, your interview will mainly revolve around a pretty similar set of MBA interview questions. You can never predict what questions will be asked, but with enough research, you can predict what are the most commonly asked questions in these interviews. We have created a short FAQ list below to get you a jump start, and we also have a free guide linked below to help you prepare for these commonly asked interview questions.
NYU Stern Frequently Asked Interview Questions
- Tell me something about yourself?
- Walk me through your resume?
- Why MBA? Why NYU Stern school?
- Why MBA now or Why MBA at this stage of your career?
- What is your short & long term goals?
- What is your Plan B if consulting/Investment banking does not happen?
- What are your key strengths? Can you give some examples please?
- What is your biggest weakness ? Can you give some examples please?
- How can you add value to the Class?
- Why should we take you?
- One reason that we should not select you?
- Interests and Hobbies – Be prepared!.. questions as basic as “Why do you do poetry (or any other activity” may be asked.
- Some Situational & Behavioral Question
- What would you describe are your greatest achievement to date?
- Give me an example of a time you faced a conflict while working on a team. How did you handle that?
- Give me an example of a time when you did not meet a client’s expectation. What happened, and how did you attempt to rectify the situation?
- Case questions are fairly common in MBA interview especially for consulting aspirants. Below are a few sample for to practice for:
- How many Golf balls can fit in a Boeing 747?
- What’s the global market size for smartphones?
- Do you have any Question for us?
NYU Stern Interview Questions – 1
My interview lasted 35 min. More or less anticipated the questions:
Please describe your career progress.
Describe conflict situation at work and how you resolved it.
Why Stern?
What are your expectations? How are you planning to use your MBA?
What are you bringing to the table? What experiences could you share to contribute to student body at NYU?
I have attended the info night at the campus the day before and was able to speak to how I relate to issues brought up by the panel of current students – coming to work early, studying at lunch. Using days off to prepare for finals, etc.
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NYU Stern Interview Questions – 2
Very casual interview. Adcom is super nice. Very standard MBA interview.
- Tell me about your current role
- Why MBA now?
- What do you do besides work?
- Leadership experience/greatest accomplishment
- Strengths and weakness
- What do you expect from Stern?
NYU Stern Interview Questions – 3
Was a very easy going interview with a number of standard questions. Started off with an icebreaker about my undergrad experience. From there we went all over the place with some standard questions and some I hadn’t considered but were interesting:
• Questions about résumé items
• Why MBA?
• Short Term Goal after MBA?
• Why Stern?
• Give me a 15 second elevator pitch for consulting (my short term goal)
• After 2 years, what do you want your fellow students to say about you?
Conversation was 20 minutes and then left 10 minutes for me to ask questions and discussion.
NYU Stern Interview Questions – 4
Total interview time: 30 minutes
Tell me about your move to New York.
Why do you like New York?
Walk me through your résumé.
How would your co-workers describe you?
Why do you want an MBA?
Post grad goals?
Three companies you want to work for?
What do you do for fun?
It was the most basic, ridiculously shallow interview. I felt like I did not have the opportunity to really show who I was and why I was special because the questions did not leave room for that. It was like they had a book of questions to choose from and they chose them completely at random, so the interview was all over the place. And the adcom was not at all interested, or receptive, seemed like they wanted to be somewhere else, and I was a terrible inconvenience on them. Like talking to a wall. When I asked questions at the end I was given the most canned, rehearsed, unthoughtful answers.
It was a terrible interview overall and makes me really wonder how they get good candidates. But maybe they just hated me. On the other hand, super easy interview to do.
NYU Stern Interview Questions – 5
Type of interview: application based interview. I had the feeling that the interviewer had a very detailed knowledge of my application file, as she referred several times to my answers in the applications, to elements of my essays and to very detailed data points of my résumé.
List of interview questions:
Why MBA? Why now? Why Stern?
Please explain why did you decide to choose X as your current job + around 6-7 follow-up questions regarding my current job.
What do you see yourself in 5-10 years?
Describe an occurrence in which you managed a workplace conflict/made a positive impact?
How would you contribute at Stern?
The interview was rather formal. There was almost no small talk, and the interviewer was really deep diving into her questions. She was really pushing me and bringing me out of my comfort zone as she was really burying me with questions and constantly asking for details.
Outcome: admitted for R3 with merit scholarship.
NYU Stern Interview Questions – 6
My interview for the NYU Stern MBA Program was held on March 21, 2023. The final result was that I got accepted at NYU Stern. I had a 25-minute conversation with Benjamin Austin, an AdCom agent. Being my first interview, I was first very anxious. However, Benjamin made the session feel relaxed by taking a more advisor-student perspective than the standard interviewer-interviewee one. This made me more at ease so that we could have a pleasant talk.
I’d caution you against overreacting in your panic. Interviewers at Stern are very competent and capable at making candidates feel at ease. After speaking with them, you’ll probably feel fantastic. Here are the questions asked:
1. How would your team characterise you, emphasising both your strong points and areas for development?
2. Why do you want to join NYU Stern?
3. Why get an MBA at NYU Stern?
4. Why do you want to do MBA now?
5. What is your greatest success?
6. What manner do you set deadlines?
7. Do you have programming knowledge?
8. What would you do for a day in New York City?
9. Do you have anything more to say?
10 Any questions for the interviewer?
I believe the adcom member was merely determining whether Stern would be a good fit for me. It was a comfortable interview overall.
NYU Stern Interview Questions – 7
The NYU Stern MBA Program interview was held on February 21, 2023. The final result was that I got accepted at NYU Stern.
My interview was quite informal and opened with a little icebreaker regarding my Pick 6. I won’t get into specifics because many of my inquiries were related to my application and non-traditional background (PR and Psychology major). The important questions were:
1) Briefly introduce yourself and describe your profession.
2) Achievement or a project you’re really pleased of
3) A leadership- and cross-functional skill-using experience
4) Any constructive criticism you’ve gotten, and how have you responded to it to get better?
5) The purpose of the essay that you stated for the NYU Stern MBA Program.
6) Why MBA at Stern and how it can help you achieve your goals
7) What are your thoughts on Stern?
8) Do you have any internship companies in mind?
9) How do you intend to spend your weekend spare time in New York City?
10) Any further details you’d like to add
11) Any follow-up questions
Overall, the interview lasted for around 30-35 minutes. It was a smooth and ease environment for me.
NYU Stern Interview Questions – 8
My interview for NYU Stern MBA Program was held on February 24, 2021. The interview went quite well. It was an Adcom interview over Zoom. She was a fellow graduate who changed directions in her profession . We started off by discussing Pick six and observing that it seems to place a lot of emphasis on family. No actual question like what I’ve read, but it provided me an opportunity to briefly mention how much I like the Pick Six article .
These were the asked questions:
1. What do you bring to a team and your leadership style?
2. How will you accomplish your long-term objectives?
3. What steps will you take to develop your leadership style?
4. Describe a moment when you adopted a teammate’s suggestion to alter your course of action.
5. Describe a situation when you applied your problem-solving abilities.
6. Describe a moment when one of your artistic interests benefited your career.
7. How do you intend to support the Stern community?
8. What have we missed?
9. Any further questions from your side?
She said that she would forward the information from today’s interview and her remarks to the central AdCom for a final decision after the interview was over. Results of the admissions decision will be made public in 3–4 weeks. In my instance, it took 4 weeks + 3 business days for me to receive the outcome. Wishing success to all upcoming interviewees.
NYU Stern Interview Questions – 9
I had my NYU Stern MBA Program interview on October 10, 2022. The final result was that I got accepted for the program. The Adcom member was cordial and had previously reviewed my profile. I don’t believe the majority of the questions would have added much worth to this essay because they were mostly about my personal experiences. But there were some general behavioural questions:
– Question on one of the hobbies I mentioned in Pick 6.
– How does my job in my current position go?
– Why I want to do MBA from NYU Stern?
-What positions do you typically hold in a team?
– How would your coworkers characterise you?
-Your Possibilities and Limitations?
– Any questions for the interviewer?
Additional advice beyond the interview questions:
– It should go without saying that you should strive to contact as many Stern alumni and current students as you can to help you improve your responses to questions like “”””Recruitment Strategy”””” and “”””Why Stern.”””” I think this played the biggest role in my preparation. The Sternies are wonderful people.
– Prepare by organising your technology. (I had no idea how quickly video calls deplete the battery in my laptop. When the call came to an end, I had 5% left. Good luck!)
– Arrange the background and lighting. Make a test video call with a friend first, ideally, before choosing your seat. The virtual image can occasionally turn out to be very different from your expectations.
NYU Stern Interview Questions – 10
I just got done with my NYU Stern MBA Program interview which was held on March 19, 2020. I had a Zoom interview with an Adcom member. The interview was both highly conversational and structured.
Following were the questions asked:
– Briefly describe your employment history
-What are you doing currently? (The last job I held, according to my resume, terminated in June 2020)
-Why do you want to join the NYU Stern MBA Program?
– What are your plans for the time before you start at Stern?
Advice: Be prepared to discuss your short-term professional goals, your backup plan in case you don’t land your dream job right away, and how you’ll use Stern’s resources to get there. Additionally, because this is an EQ interview, just be yourself. The AdCom member stressed again that the team gives EQ in the persons they select a high priority. The AdCom member pointed out that their current class is excellent in these specific soft skills, therefore responses that give the impression that you are extremely competitive and don’t work well in groups may not be accepted.