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What is a good GMAT score for MIT Sloan MBA?

Short Answer – The average GMAT score at MIT Sloan is 730 for the last entering class. If you score above 730, you have a fair shot and you will receive an encouraging response to your profile evaluation from the admission committee. 

Long Answer – There is no such thing as a safe score, higher is always better. In our years of consulting experience, we have seen our clients with 640 getting selected into top schools like INSEAD and on the other hand, someone with a 770 getting rejected too. A good benchmark that we advise all our clients to beat is the average GMAT score of the last entering class as mentioned in the Class profile published every year. Scoring above the average gets you a fair shot; 

“The higher your score, the better is it for your interview or admission chance.” 

If you plan to apply with a score that is below the average, then you are starting a fight with one hand tied behind your back or, let’s say, you are starting a few yards behind your competitors. You can definitely catch up in other sections of the application by writing outstanding essays or performing really well in an interview later. But it is always nice to start ahead of the competitor. A higher GMAT score helps one gain a competitive advantage.

“What if you are from the over represented Indian or Asian Pool?”

The over-represented candidate pool of Indian or Chinese applicants usually goes through a rigorous preparation process for GMAT, with a lot of Indian applicants scoring quite high. Hence, the overall competition and the Average score for this diaspora goes up by a few notches. That is why we recommend candidates within the most over-represented profiles to shoot at least 20 points higher than the school’s class profile average. 


Average Employment Salary after MIT Sloan MBA?

The average salary at MIT Sloan for the last graduating class was $ 159,391. 96.6% of the class was employed with 3 months of graduation with majority of class going into consulting (31.2%), Finance (22.6%) and technology (22.6%) oriented functional roles. 

Signing bonus and other forms of expected compensation were strong contributors to total
employment packages. The median signing bonus was $30,000. Additionally, 62% of the
Class of 2022 received other compensation beyond a signing bonus. In this year’s report, we
feature a more detailed summary of other compensation, including that just over 25% of
graduates reported stock and equity compensation, with an average value of $121,527

Key Employers












Employed within 3 months of graduation


Avg. Salary

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Tuition Fees & Scholarship at MIT Sloan

The Tuition fees for MIT Sloan MBA is $ 164,000 and an additional  $ 40,000 in living cost. 

Most of the graduate students make one tuition payment before each term (August 1 for Fall and January 1 for spring). Students also can choose the MIT monthly payment plan, which allows them to pay tuition in ten installments over the course of the year. Learn more about your payment options here.

Important Scholarships


Cost of Attendance

$ 164,000 

Tuition Fee

$ 40,000

Living Cost

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FAQs about MIT Sloan

What are your admissions criteria and what do you look for in a candidate?

Our goal is to create a vibrant learning environment rich in diverse ideas and life experiences. That’s why we welcome applicants from all over the globe, and from all areas of study. We seek students whose personal characteristics demonstrate that they will make the most of the incredible opportunities at MIT, both academic and non-academic. We are on a quest to find those whose presence will enhance the experience of other students. We seek thoughtful leaders with exceptional intellectual abilities and the drive and determination to put their stamp on the world. We welcome people who are independent, authentic, and fearlessly creative — true doers. We want people who can redefine solutions to conventional problems, and strive to preempt unconventional dilemmas with cutting-edge ideas. We demand integrity and respect passion.

Our Admissions Committee looks for applicants with demonstrated academic excellence, proven personal achievement, and strong self-motivation to make an impact and to inspire, no matter where they are in an organization. We look for evidence of high academic potential and personal achievement through the various components of the MBA application.

How does your Admissions process work?

After each application deadline, our professionally trained Admissions Committee reviews all applications. Based on our initial assessment, a subset of applicants are invited to interview with us.

Who makes up the Admissions Committee?

Our Admissions Committee is comprised of professional staff members within the MIT community. The Admissions Committee will review your application and a member of the committee will conduct your interview. Current students are not involved in the evaluation process.

Are some parts of the application weighted more than others?

Our Admissions Committee will carefully consider all application materials you submit. No single component is more or less important than another.

Does MIT let applicants apply as a couple?

Each person must submit a separate application and is considered individually, however, there is a place in the application where you can let us know if a family member, spouse, or significant other is applying as well.

Does MIT Sloan have rolling admissions?

MIT Sloan does not have rolling admissions. We review applications in three rounds, each with its own deadline. We begin our review process immediately following each deadline.

Are there advantages to applying in Round 1?

The advantage to applying in Round 1 and Round 2 is that there are more available seats in the class. However, we do admit candidates in Round 3 and you should apply only when you have fully completed your application to the best of your ability.

Can I apply in multiple application rounds?

You may only apply once per year. LGO applicants must apply in one of the LGO rounds and are automatically considered for both LGO and MBA; if not accepted, LGO applicants may not apply to another MBA round in the same year.

Do you offer waivers for the application fee?

We offer fee waivers to the following applicants:

  • Admit.me Access Participant
  • Current Peace Corps members
  • Current Teach for America members and alumni
  • Forté MBA Launch participants
  • Leadership Brainery Participant
  • MLT and Jumpstart Fellows
  • Veteran and active duty U.S. military personnel

Participants from the following list of programs, conferences, and fellowships are also eligible for an application fee waiver:

MIT Sponsored Programs

  • MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP General)
  • MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP Biology/BCS/CBMM)
  • On-Campus MIT ACCESS Program
  • MIT Media Lab Open House Travel Grant Recipients
  • MIT Laureates and Leaders
  • MIT Emergent Behaviors of Integrated Cellular System (EBICS)
  • Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology (HST) Summer Institute

Fellowship Programs

  • Emergent Behaviors of Integrated Cellular Systems Research Experience for Undergraduates (EBICS REU)
  • Gates Millennium Scholars Program
  • Leadership Alliance Summer Research Early Identification Program (SR-EIP)
  • Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP)
  • Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC)
  • McNair Scholars Program
  • Mellon Mays Minority Undergraduate Fellowship Program (MMUF)
  • Morehouse College Dr. John H. Hopps Jr. Defense Research Scholars Program Hopps (HOPPS)
  • National Association of African American Honors Programs (NAAAHP)
  • Questbridge
  • Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement Program (RISE)
  • The National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science (GEM)
  • University of Baltimore Maryland County Meyerhoff Scholars Program
  • Woods Hole Partnership Education Program

Events and Conferences

  • ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing
  • American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)
  • Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS)
  • Annual Ivy Plus Puerto Rico Event
  • Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM (ERN)
  • FIU McNair Scholars Research Conference
  • National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE)
  • National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
  • National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP)
  • National Society of Hispanic Physicists (NSHP)
  • Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
  • Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
  • Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

In addition to the list above, attendees of some recruitment events and conferences where MIT Sloan is present may qualify for an application fee waiver. If you are in attendance at one of these events, you will be notified at the conclusion of the event and the payment section of your application will reflect the waiver automatically.

To request a fee waiver, please start your application and navigate to the Payment section where you will find the fee waiver form and information on the documentation required to obtain the waiver. Your request will be reviewed and you will receive an email with the results. If your fee is waived, it will be reflected on in your application and you will be able to proceed with submission. 

Please note that all fee waiver requests must be submitted at least ONE week before the application deadline and we cannot grant retroactive fee waivers if the application fee has already been paid online.

Do you compare international applicants to one another? 

No. We consider all applications individually in accordance with our evaluation standards.

How does the waitlist work at MIT Sloan?

If you are waitlisted in a round and accept a place on the waitlist, you will automatically be considered in the next round and will receive an updated decision in that round.

Do you offer deferrals?

Deferral requests are approved on a case-by-case basis. Applicants are encouraged to apply during the year in which they hope to matriculate. If you are a college senior, check out our deferred program – MBA Early Admission.

What support is offered by the Career Development Office?

MIT Sloan students want both high-tech and personalized career support. The strategic resources we provide to support your success include:

  • Guidance of experienced MBA Career Advisors focused on your specific goals
  • YOUR CDO, a collaborative hub that promotes MIT Sloan career events, resources, and contacts; and connects you with the MIT career ecosystem
  • Innovative AI technology that supports your career preparation with 24/7 feedback on your resume, interview skills and LinkedIn profile
  • Peer support, including the MBA Core Fellows, second-year students who serve as resources for career education and the internship search
  • Alumni Connections through the MIT Sloan Industry Advisors program, featuring alumni who provide guidance for those exploring career paths in emerging industries
  • Support for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, with team members focused on affinity/diversity recruiting, career-related programming and resources, and data
  • Strategic and Collaborative Business Development to advance MIT Sloan’s recruiting relationships within core industries, growth industries, and the alumni network

Career guidance is a critical part of your MBA experience. MBA Career Advisors are your guides as you navigate your next career step at MIT Sloan. They focus solely on students in the MBA program as they curate educational experiences to help you succeed in the MBA market. They also work closely with our Employer Relations and Recruiting Team to share the latest developments in the employment market, highlight opportunities in popular industries, and relay networking and job opportunities to you.

How does the Career Development Office help me prepare for the job search?

In June, after your admission, you will get access to Career Foundations, a self-paced online career education program curated for MIT Sloan MBAs. You’ll focus on the themes of Knowing Yourself, Understanding the Market and Creating Alignment. The Summer Career Checklist will guide you through key career tasks to complete before you begin the program.

In September, we kick off Career Core, a course to help you understand the opportunities available to you as an MIT Sloan student, and how to effectively position yourself for them. We engage MBA Core Fellows to participate in class sessions, allowing you to hear directly from Sloanies who have been in your shoes. We also partner with MIT Sloan faculty from Communication and Organizational Processes to lead sessions on managerial and professional competencies – sessions our alumni have identified as offering some of the most important tools for professional success in the years ahead. 

As you advance in your role as ‘CEO of your career,’ our goal is to guide you in understanding how your unique talents and contributions can help you leave your unique fingerprint on the future of business. Whether you are just beginning your career or are making a career transition, our team of MBA Career Advisors can help you create a customized plan for activating your talents for personal and professional success.

What types of opportunities do MIT Sloan MBAs pursue? What jobs did they accept, and what were their salaries?

  • MIT Sloan students accepted full-time and internship opportunities with 300 companies.  In 2021, our top industries were Consulting (28.3%), Tech (25.0%), and Finance (21.4%). The average base salary was $148,075, the median base salary was $150,000, and the range of base salary was $65,000-$275,000. 

What if I’m not sure what I want to do?

About 85% of MBA students are career changers. MIT Sloan provides unparalleled opportunities to explore new opportunities and try out new areas of interest, an important step in identifying the kind of work you want to do. 

If you are undecided about your career path, we encourage you to complete the Career Foundations course, actively participate in Career Core, and schedule an advising session with an MBA Career Advisor through Career Central.  If you are unclear about your strengths and interests or the type of organization where you can have the greatest impact, we offer Career Leader and the Clifton Strengths assessments. Speak with an MBA Career Advisor to learn more about how these tools can help you focus your job search. Career conversations happen everywhere at MIT Sloan: make sure to connect with MBA Core Fellows, faculty, and alumni who can share valuable experience and insights.

What kinds of events does the CDO organize?

To help you prepare for the next step in your career, the MBA Career Advising Team organizes Career Core and many other career programs, including ‘How to Create Your Own Internship’ and ‘Negotiating Your Employment Offer’, as well as career programs for affinity groups, including an ‘Immigration Update’ with a US Immigration Attorney for international students.

To support you in activating your career plan, the Employer Relations and Recruiting Team works with top employers to organize events that help you connect with employers, including: Company Presentations, Coffee Chats/Office Hours, Industry Events, Networking Nights (for full-time and internship positions), and the MIT Sloan Career Fair in April.

How do I learn about career events and activities at MIT Sloan?

Career activity is everywhere at MIT Sloan. To bring it all together in one place, the CDO created YOUR CDO, a collaborative hub that connects you with career advice, events, clubs, resources, and job postings, customized for your program and industry interests. YOUR CDO highlights events and activities from Career Central, the system you will use to sign up for CDO events and advising appointments, as well as to apply for jobs. YOUR CDO also connects you to your peer and alumni network, through the Summer and Full-time Employment Directories, Alumni Directories, MBA Core Fellows Profiles, and MIT Sloan Industry Advisor Profiles.

Your MBA Career Advisors also serve as guides to career activities and opportunities throughout your two years at MIT Sloan.  

How can I connect with MIT Sloan alumni in my industries of interest?

MIT Sloan alumni play an important role in the career ecosystem at MIT Sloan. Starting in the fall, you will have access to the MIT Sloan Industry Advisors, a select group of alumni who provide in-depth industry expertise and guidance to students exploring specialized career paths in emerging field and industries. With over 40 advisors across 17 industries, this team brings impressive industry experience and work histories that include leading companies like Amazon, Apple, Lululemon, Nike, and Tesla.

Alumni often engage as speakers at industry events and recruiting representatives for their companies. You can also connect with alumni through club events, the summer and full-time employment directories, or the alumni directories.

If you have any questions about how to incorporate alumni into your career exploration or job search, your CDO MBA Career Advisors are happy to be your partners in planning your outreach.

What is MIT Sloan’s policy on Grade Non-Disclosure?

MIT Sloan does not have a grade non-disclosure policy. Students own their grades and are free to disclose or not disclose their grades at their discretion. 

Standardized tests, such as GMAT and GRE are a component of the application process and play an important role in our holistic evaluation process. The admissions committee will continue to accept the remote/at-home version of these exams. Because of the continuing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the MBA program will allow candidates for the 2022-23 admission cycle to submit a request for a test waiver, should their current situation prevent them from safely being able to access an exam. If the waiver is approved, and the candidate is admitted, no test will be required.

Will you accept the online GMAT/GRE?

Yes, we accept the in person and online tests.

What is MIT Sloan’s code for the GMAT?

If you are applying to the MIT Sloan MBA Program, you can share your GMAT score with us by entering Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) – MIT Sloan School of Management.

Can you confirm receipt of my GMAT score?

We cannot confirm receipt of your GMAT score. Please check with ETS to confirm that you have designated MIT Sloan to receive your score.

Where can I get more information on the GMAT?

Visit MBA.com for more information on the GMAT, including sample questions and information on test registration. 

Will you accept my GRE score in place of a GMAT score?

Yes! MIT Sloan will accept your GRE score in lieu of a GMAT score. Our code for the GRE is 3791. We have no preference for which exam you take.

Do you require a minimum acceptable GMAT/GRE score?

No. MIT Sloan does not require a minimum test score on either test. Visit our class profile page to view the average GMAT score of our students.

Where can I get more information on the GRE?

Visit GRE.com for more information on the GRE, as well as test registration information.

Which do you prefer, GMAT or GRE?

We view scores from both tests equally. We have no preference.

Can I submit an EA score in place of a GMAT or GRE score?

No. The MBA program will not accept an EA score in lieu of the GMAT or GRE.

If I have taken both the GMAT and the GRE, should I submit both scores?

You are welcome to submit both exams or choose one. Again, we have no preference which test scores you submit.

What if I took the GMAT or the GRE several times? Will you accept several scores?

If you took the exam several times feel free to submit multiple scores.

Should I submit a test score with a higher overall score, but lower quant score or a test score with a lower overall score, but a higher quant score?

You should submit both. Our application allows you to enter multiple scores.

What is the last date on which I can take the GMAT?

If you intend to take the GMAT and submit the score with your application, you may take the GMAT anytime up until our application deadline and submit your unofficial score in the application.

Should I send you my official GMAT/GRE score report now? Or, do I send it after I’m admitted?

We want to see your official GMAT/GRE test score by the application deadline. However, we understand that sometimes it takes up to two weeks for test centers to release official scores. So, it’s okay if we receive your scores shortly after our application deadline.

I recently took my GMAT and will not receive the AWA score for another four weeks. May I submit my application without the AWA score?

Yes, you may submit the application without reporting the AWA score.

If my score is not in the middle 80% for MIT, does the fact that I performed well in my undergraduate quantitative classes help? Is this something the Admissions Committee will consider when reviewing my GMAT score?

We will consider all parts of your application. If you did not score high on the GMAT/GRE, we will look  for evidence of academic success, as demonstrated on your transcripts and quantitative professional experience.

How much of a disadvantage is a low GMAT/GRE score?

We accept candidates with a wide range of test scores. If your GMAT/GRE is on the lower side, we will consider your other strengths, as demonstrated in your application. For example, we’ll look for strong academic work and quantitative work experience.

Do I need a TOEFL/IELTS score to apply to the MBA Program?

No. This is not required to apply to the MBA program. 

Since a TOEFL score is not required, how do you measure English speaking ability?

We assess English language ability during our interviews.

What is the format of the interview?

If you are invited to interview, you will meet one-on-one with a member of the Admissions Committee. We conduct behavioral interviews in which we’ll ask you to provide specific examples of your personal and professional behavior, such as how you persuade others, work as part of a team, and solve problems. Your interview will last about 30 minutes. All interviews will be conducted virtually.

What are you looking for when interviewing candidates?

Our goal with the interview is to get to know you better! We look forward to hearing specific examples of how you have built relationships and demonstrated leadership. This will help understand the strengths you’ll bring to the MIT Sloan community. Additionally, we look for professional presentation and communication, as well as English language proficiency.

When are interviews for each round?

Round 1 interviews take place in late October through early December; Round 2 interviews typically occur in February and March; and Round 3 interviews take place in May.

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