McGill University Master of Management in Finance: Overview

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Introduction to McGill university MMF

The McGill Master of Management in Finance (MMF) degree is a pre-experience, specialized program in finance that can be completed in 12 or 16 months. The MMF program prepares students for a career in finance through a comprehensive curriculum that integrates advanced financial concepts and quantitative methods with real-world business practices. Kindly take note that the MMF exclusively offers admissions for the summer semester.  

The MMF is designed for recent graduates with a Bachelor of Science, Engineering, Economics, Arts or Commerce degree and with proven quantitative skills who aim to work in the finance industry or in the finance function of a business. Open to students without prior professional experience or a background in Finance – the MMF program cultivates a diverse and interdisciplinary learning environment.


Avg. GPA


Avg. Age

1-5 Yrs.

Avg. Exp.


Class Size


Months Duration

Why Study MeM at SU?


FT Rankings

Tuition Fees & Scholarship at McGill

$ 60,345 

Tuition Fee

$ 21,520

Living Cost


Avg. Cost of Study

The Tuition fees for McGill university MMF is $60,345 and an additional $21,520 in living cost. 

MMF students at the Desautels Faculty of Management are considered for scholarships upon acceptance. If you are one of the most outstanding candidates, you may be awarded one of its growing portfolio of scholarships. Successful applicants to the program will be sent further information on the scholarship award process with their offer. Since the admissions are on a rolling base, scholarships will be awarded in the order in which applications are made.

Important Scholarships

Average Employment Salary after McGill university MMF?


Employed within 3 months of graduation


Avg. Salary









The average salary at McGill university MMF for the last graduating class was $71,303. 93% of the class was employed with 6 months of graduation with majority of class going into consulting (25%), Finance (51%) and technology (4%) oriented functional roles. 

Desautels offers you a different type of career coaching experience. They work with you individually to provide you customized, valuable support as you explore different career options and navigate your own career path. Through innovative programs, events, workshops and speaker series, you develop key transferrable skills, establish industry connections (with alumni and employers), understand what is needed to ultimately achieve your career goals and thrive in today’s ambiguous and ever-evolving work environment.

Key Employers

Eligibility Criteria for MMF at McGill University

Applicants are eligible to apply to the MMF program if they have a bachelor’s degree and proven quantitative skills. Prospective students can apply during the final year of their bachelor’s degree studies. Admission would be conditional upon obtaining their bachelor’s degree prior to the start of the program. Students with a three-year bachelor’s degree from an international university are also eligible to apply. International students can determine the equivalency of their degrees.

Documents required

  • Official transcripts
  • Resume/CV
  • GMAT/GRE scores
  • English test scores (if applicable)
  • Statement of purpose
  • Two recommendation letters

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Specializations & Electives Offered

The program consists of 12 courses (spread over 36 credits) delivered over 6 modules. Students will also complete a 9-credit Applied Finance Project during the final semester, for a total of 45 credits. For detail curriculum, visit here.

FAQs About MMF

While the MMF is not a mathematical finance program, students should have an aptitude for quantitative methods.

An undergraduate degree in Finance is not a requirement. The program is designed for students who want to start in finance and have the necessary quantitative skills. Students with undergraduate degrees in economics, sciences, and engineering are encouraged to apply.

For applicants whose mother tongue is not English and who have not completed their degree in an English speaking country, the TOEFL or IELTS is required. For the TOEFL the McGill Institution code 0935. For IELTS, please request that the scores are submitted electronically to McGill University via the IELTS Results Service. Please refer to the English language proficiency page for details on McGill minimum English requirements and to determine if you may be exempt from taking a proficiency test.

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