MIM at TBS Education

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Introduction to TBS Education Master in Management

The Master in Management program at TBS Education is a gateway to a dynamic and globally-focused education experience. TBS Education, with campuses in Toulouse, Paris, Barcelona, and Casablanca, offers an exceptional opportunity for aspiring business leaders to develop their skills, broaden their horizons, and unlock their potential in an increasingly interconnected world. This program stands out for its robust curriculum, emphasizing academic excellence and real-world business expertise. With a strong international orientation, students can choose between English and French tracks, explore multiple program structures, and pursue double degrees with partner universities worldwide. Furthermore, TBS Education’s commitment to career development is exemplified through its high employment rates and personalized coaching programs. Whether you aspire to excel in business development, digital analysis, or strategic management, the TBS Education Master in Management program is your stepping stone to a rewarding and impactful career.


Why Study TBS Education Master in Management?


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Studying for a Master in Management (MIM) at TBS Education offers a wealth of opportunities and benefits:

  1. International Perspective: TBS Education’s MIM program emphasizes international exposure with campuses in Toulouse, Paris, Barcelona, and Casablanca. It’s a global learning experience.

  2. Diverse Learning Paths: Tailor your MIM journey with three program structures, including double degrees and professional expertise options.

  3. Career-Ready: Benefit from a robust career services program, boasting impressive employment rates of up to 97% within four months of graduation.

  4. Language Options: Choose between English and French tracks, enhancing your language skills and global employability.

  5. Financial Support: Avail various scholarships and discounts, including early bird, partner university, and excellence discounts.

  6. Flexible Payments: TBS offers flexible payment options to make your education accessible.

  7. Global Payment Network: Partnered with Flywire for easy and secure global payments.

  8. Networking: Access an extensive international alumni network and networking events.

  9. Academic Excellence: Learn from experienced faculty and industry experts in a wide range of management fields.

  10. Opportunity for Impact: If you have a strong environmental, humanitarian, or CSR project, you may qualify for an Impact Discount.

Program Costs + Living Expenses : TBS Education Master in Management

The Master in Management (MIM) program at TBS Education has several associated costs:

  1. Tuition Fees: The total tuition fee for the 2-year program is €31,500. It can be paid in installments, starting with an initial payment upon admission.

  2. Application Fee: There is a non-refundable application fee of €100 to apply for the program.

Living Expenses: The cost of living can vary depending on your chosen campus (Toulouse, Paris, Barcelona, or Casablanca) and personal lifestyle. Hre is a rough estimate of monthly living expenses:

  1. Accommodation: Approximately €400 to €800 per month for rent, depending on location and type of housing.

  2. Food: Around €250 to €400 per month for groceries and dining out.

  3. Transportation: Public transportation costs can range from €20 to €60 per month.

  4. Books and Supplies: An estimated €50 to €100 per semester.

  5. Health Insurance: Health insurance coverage is mandatory in France and may cost around €200 to €600 per year, depending on your circumstances.

  6. Miscellaneous: Budget for approximately €100 to €200 per month for personal expenses, leisure activities, and unforeseen costs.

Total: 14,676 yearly

Additional Costs (if applicable): Depending on your specific situation and preferences, you may encounter additional costs such as:

  1. Visa Fees: If you are an international student, you might need to pay for visa application fees.

  2. Language Courses: If you need to improve your language skills (French or English), language courses may have associated costs.

  3. Extracurricular Activities: Participation in clubs, societies, or extracurricular activities may require some additional fees.

Employement Prospects : TBS Education Master in Management

Graduates of the Master in Management (MIM) program at TBS Education typically enjoy strong employment prospects. Here are some key factors contributing to their career opportunities:

  1. Diverse Skill Set: The MIM program equips students with a well-rounded skill set in management, finance, marketing, and more, making them versatile and attractive to a wide range of employers.

  2. International Exposure: With an emphasis on international experiences, including semesters abroad and multicultural classrooms, graduates are well-prepared for careers in global companies.

  3. Double Degree Opportunities: TBS Education offers the chance to earn a double degree, adding to graduates’ qualifications and making them stand out in the job market.

  4. Career Services: TBS Education’s Career Services department provides personalized coaching, interview preparation, and networking opportunities, helping students secure job offers quickly.

  5. Strong Alumni Network: Graduates join a robust alumni network that offers valuable connections and career advice.

  6. High Employment Rates: TBS Education boasts impressive employment rates, with a significant percentage of graduates finding jobs within a few months of completing the program.

  7. Industry-Relevant Curriculum: The program is designed to meet the needs of the corporate world, ensuring that graduates possess the skills and knowledge sought after by employers.

Common career paths for MIM graduates include roles in business development, digital analysis, market research, strategic consulting, strategic management, strategic planning, and supply chain management. However, the program’s versatility allows graduates to explore various industries and sectors, making their career options diverse and adaptable to changing market demands.

Eligibility Criteria for TBS Education Master in Management

The eligibility criteria for the Master in Management (MIM) program at TBS Education typically include the following:

  1. Educational Background:

    • Candidates should hold or be in the process of obtaining a non-French accredited Bachelor’s Degree (or equivalent) that is typically equivalent to 180 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) credits.
    • The degree should be from a recognized institution.
  2. Age Requirement:

    • Candidates are typically required to be under 30 years old on the 1st of September of the year of application. However, age requirements can vary, so it’s essential to check the specific program’s requirements.
  3. Language Proficiency:

    • For the French Track (Toulouse and Paris campuses):
      • Proficiency in French may be required, especially if your previous studies were not conducted in French or if you are not a native French speaker.
      • Proficiency in English may also be required, as English courses are part of the program. You may need to provide language test scores such as IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge, or DUOLINGO.
    • For the English Track (Toulouse and Barcelona campuses):
      • Proficiency in English is usually required, especially if your previous studies were not conducted in English or if you are not a native English speaker. You may need to provide language test scores such as IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge, GRE, GMAT, or CAT.
      • An interview in English may also be part of the application process.

Documents required : TBS Education Master in Management

Required Documents for Application:

  • CV or resume
  • Cover letter or Statement of Purpose
  • Passport copy
  • Transcript of grades from your latest degree
  • Enrollment certificate or diploma
  • Language proficiency test scores (if applicable)
  • Letter of recommendation (may not be mandatory but can be beneficial)
  • GMAT or GRE scores (may not be mandatory but may enhance your application)

Application Deadlines - TBS Education Master in Management

Application deadlines for the Master in Management (MIM) program at TBS Education can vary depending on the specific program track, campus, and intake. It’s crucial to check the most up-to-date application deadlines on the official TBS Education website or contact the admissions department directly for the latest information. Application deadlines are typically specified for each intake (e.g., fall or spring) and can differ between the English and French tracks as well as between campuses. Adhering to the application deadlines is essential to ensure your application is considered for the desired intake.


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Scholarships Available

TBS Education offers several scholarships and financial aid options to support students pursuing their Master in Management (MIM) program. Here are some of the scholarships that may be available:

Early Bird Discount: Students who apply and pay their tuition fees before a specified early deadline (often before February 28th) may be eligible for a discount on their first-year tuition fees. The exact percentage of the discount can vary.

Partner University Scholarship:  1st Year: Students from TBS Education’s partner universities or those who have spent one semester at a TBS Education campus as part of an exchange program may receive a 10% discount on their first-year tuition fees.

Special Discount: A limited number of students with outstanding academic records may be eligible for a special discount of 10%. Eligibility is based on the excellence of the applicant’s academic file.

Sibling Discount: If you have a sibling who is currently enrolled in a TBS Education program, you may receive a 15% discount on your first-year tuition fees.

Excellence Discount: Students with exceptional academic qualifications, such as a high GMAT score (>610), a high GPA (>75%), and a strong performance during the online interview, may be eligible for a discount ranging from 25% to 35%.

Impact Discount: Students with a demonstrated commitment to environmental, humanitarian, or corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects, along with a strong academic record, may be eligible for a 25% discount.

External Scholarships: TBS Education may provide information and guidance on external scholarship opportunities available to international students studying in France. Examples include the Eiffel Excellence Scholarship and scholarships offered through CROUS Student Organization and Campus France.

Specializations & Electives Offered

During your first year, you’ll learn to master a wide range of Management concepts and practices. You’ll also be able to choose elective courses, such as:

  • Finance
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Business Analytics
  • Big data
  • International business
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Audit & controlling

FAQs About MIM

The program typically spans two years, consisting of several semesters of coursework, internships, and the opportunity to earn double degrees or engage in international exchanges.

TBS Education offers both English and French tracks for the MIM program. Students can choose the language track that aligns with their proficiency and career goals.

Eligibility criteria usually include holding a non-French accredited Bachelor’s Degree, being under a certain age limit, and meeting language proficiency requirements (English and/or French). Specific requirements may vary, so it’s essential to check the program’s official website for the most up-to-date criteri

Yes, TBS Education offers various scholarships, including early bird discounts, partner university scholarships, excellence discounts, and more. Scholarships are subject to eligibility criteria and application deadlines.

Graduates of the program often pursue careers in diverse fields such as business development, marketing, consulting, finance, and strategic management. TBS Education has a strong career services department to support students in finding employment opportunities.

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