How Durham MBA Interview Works
Applications that are complete in all aspects and qualify in terms of the minimum academic and other criteria specified above are evaluated for being progressed to the next stage in the admission process. Shortlisted candidates will be called for the Durham Interview process.
The Durham Interview panel will evaluate each candidate’s performance in terms of quality of work experience, diversity, leadership qualities, social sensitivity, and multifacetedness.
As a general approach to selecting a candidate for the program, a multi-factor model is used. These factors include academic track record, GMAT/GRE scores, quality of work experience, performance in the interview, and writing ability test. A composite total score will be calculated for each applicant using the multi-factor model. A merit list is prepared based on the composite total score. The offer of admission will be made to a certain percentage of applicants on the merit list. The number of offers made will depend on the availability of seats. The number of offers will be further subject to the candidate meeting a minimum cutoff in terms of the composite score and/or for any other factor score that the admissions committee may decide on
Who will interview you, and how long will the interview last?
Like most B-schools, the Durham interview is taken by a Panel. The Panel usually consists of 2-3 professors. The interview typically lasts for 25-30 minutes or may extend to 35-40 minutes in some instances.
Will the interviewer have read my application?
It is always safer to assume that the Panel members have access to your complete application. In most instances, they would have read it completely. Unless the school specifically says that it will be an blind interview. Mostly North American Business schools in US and Canada have an Blind interviews, European and SE Asian schools conduct interviews via Alums or panels which have full access to your entire application.
How can you prepare for your interview?
Like most MBA Interviews, your interview will mainly revolve around a pretty similar set of MBA interview questions. You can never predict what questions will be asked, but with enough research, you can predict what are the most commonly asked questions in these interviews. We have created a short FAQ list below to get you a jump start, and we also have a free guide linked below to help you prepare for these commonly asked interview questions.
Durham Interviews Frequently Asked Interview Questions
Professional experience-related questions
- Tell me something about yourself, or Walk me through your resume.
- What are your short-term and long-term goals?
- Why MBA? or Why now? or Why an MBA at this stage of your career?
- Why Durham?
- What is your Plan B? in case your primary goal does not happen?
Personal qualities-related questions
- What are your key strengths? Can you give some examples, please?
- What are your key weaknesses? Can you give some examples, please?
- How can you add value to the Class? or Why should we take you?
- Any reasons why we should not select you?
- Interests and Hobbies related questions – why do you do it, what have you achieved/learned?
Frequently Asked Situational & Behavioral Questions
- What is your leadership style? Can you give an example of a project you led?
- What would you describe are your greatest achievement to date?
- Give me an example of a time you failed.
- Give me an example of a time you faced a conflict. How did you handle that?
- Give me an example of a time when you did not meet a client’s expectations. What happened, and how did you attempt to rectify the situation?
The last one – Do you have any questions for us?
- Can you please tell me how international exchange students and schools are assigned?
- How club leadership is selected?
- Any other questions you may have in regards to the program.
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Durham MBA Interview Questions – 1
I was interviewed Off Campus with Advisory Committee.
Interviewed on: Nov 20, 18
The final verdict was that I was accepted into Round 1 of the Sept 2019 intake. The location is in Bangalore, India.
1. Take me through your c.v. in detail. Please elaborate about your business for me.
2. Why MBA?
3. Why Durham? Why choose England?
4. Why now?
5. What are some of your professional aspirations?
6. If you want to enter into your goal area, do you have a precise position in mind, as well as an understanding of how the process works? (Since it was a rather specific field, such as sustainability consulting. It made the part of my career ambitions that involved risks! I was required to provide strong evidence that employment prospects are available at groups who send recruiters to Durham). After that, she began making suggestions (on a serious note) regarding loans, scholarships, learning the language (considering my short term goals), and joining the career acceleration program that Durham offers (she stated I was qualified for it based on my GMAT score).
7. Have you talked to students who are currently enrolled or graduates of the school?
8. Please describe your previous travels and experiences in other countries.
9. In the event that you are not awarded a scholarship, what contingency plans do you have in place to cover the cost of your program? In addition, the Durham scholarships only cover a maximum of fifty percent of the tuition costs (although I specified on the application that I required sixty percent funding!)
10. In addition to these schools, are you applying to any others, and if so, why?
11. What happens if you win all three of them? Which path will you choose to take?
12. What happens if it turns out that you have to return to India? (I had mentioned that I’m looking for settling in England in the short term).
In terms of my responses, I made it a point to ensure that I adhered to the responses that were offered in my writings and gave the voice in the essays “life.” In my opinion, this is a pretty significant point. In addition to this, I included certain aspects that were not discussed in my articles. In general, I made it seem as though my hobbies and aspirations were natural and attainable. I provided a great deal of background information as well as recent situations and specific examples of my activities with NGOs and my work experience at my former and first firm, where I worked for the most of my career.
Surprise element:
1. Put yourself in my shoes and I’ll put myself in yours for a moment. How do you plan to sell the program in just sixty seconds?
She gave me some time to ponder, and at that time I was able to sell the topics that she had not covered up until that point. I explained that I would relate the history of the candidate as well as their hobbies to the program.
Hello Sara, When taking into consideration your history of leadership in campus groups, you could want to look into the MBASA and other clubs. Opportunities such as the MBAT will provide you with real-world experience in working with large teams, which you lack currently due to your lack of previous teamwork. You’ll be a part of one of the most active teams at Durham, which is saying a lot given the fact that quite a few universities do provide this option.
You’ll have the opportunity to network with a significant number of students and future leaders. By working with the Careers office, you will be kept up to date on the latest occurrences in the sector. Durham is shifting its emphasis more and more towards social impact and innovation. The elective courses in eco-efficiency and sustainability will be an excellent choice.
2. How would you conduct the interview with the potential participant in the program?
In the beginning, I’ll evaluate your level of emotional intelligence as well as your analytical and creative abilities (with a brief mention of your previous recruiting experience). Additionally, simulated tests on the candidate’s soft skills in a multicultural setting, as well as how they select the chances presented by Durham, taking their ambitions into consideration.
I also offered a basic recommendation regarding how they may get in touch with the students that are currently enrolled. The HEC provided me with a booklet for the student ambassador program. She kept a record of it in her journal. When it came time to ask questions of the interviewer, I inquired about her experience at Durham as well as the current tendencies among the student body. Also, what is the total number of students from India enrolled in the present class? 18/187! According to her, Indians are dominant in the majority of clubs and events. *Proud moment*!
– She was grateful for the one hundred percent boost in pay that I received as a result of my job change and the responses that I provided to the unexpected elements.
– Suggestions on funding, as well as an offer to connect me with former students and those who are now enrolled.
– Also appreciated my work in the nonprofit sector.
I did some research to find out how former students may connect with current ones. She connected me with a current Indian student who was attending the university. An additional shock came when, at the beginning of my first contact with the student, she informed me that, “besides answering your questions about the school, we’ll also have a short evaluation as the interviewer wanted a feedback on your profile!” This information came as a complete surprise to me. It was with the purpose of expanding my horizons and deepening my understanding of my profile and objectives. I had no idea that this would happen! I suppose everything worked out.
Thank you very much:)
Durham MBA Interview Questions – 2
I was interviewed online on Skype. My Interview was conducted on October 8th, 2018. Conclusion and Decision: Accepted
“I just finished my interview with the admissions committee through Skype.
These were the questions:
Please present yourself.
My career objectives included two separate companies, so I needed to demonstrate how they were comparable to one another.
Why Durham and Why a Year Abroad Instead of Two Years in the United Kingdom?
Any setbacks in your career?
What kind of things do you anticipate finding difficult at United Kingdom?
How do you plan to be successful in the quantitative coursework?
What will you bring to the table for the other students?
Which other colleges did you apply to, and what were the outcomes of those applications?
+ A TONNE of questions concerning my essays and the reasons that I chose to express myself in various ways, so make sure to read over those.
Overall, a difficult effort. Nevertheless, it was still a pleasant discussion”
Durham MBA Interview Questions – 3
I was interviewed online on Skype. My Interviewed was conducted on: Feb 19 2019. Conclusion and Decision: Accepted
Why MBA?
Why choose Durham?
What makes the Durham MBA program stand out?
A few inquiries on my long-term professional objective
Comparing the Good and the Bad
Why did the company decide to switch in the past?
A circumstance in which you have an influence on others
A difficult circumstance that arises for you at work.
Do you have any questions for her?
My one lasted for half an hour and was a nice relaxed talk”