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Dartmouth Tuck MBA Interviews

Interview Questions collected from Past clients

Dartmouth Tuck MBA Interviews

Dartmouth Tuck School of Business offers interviews with the expectation that they should not be drill sessions, but should be conversations so that Tuck can get to know the applicant on a personal level and the applicant can get to know Tuck so remember to ask your interviewer questions. Applicants will be evaluated on criteria such as leadership, self-awareness, interpersonal skills and ability to get involved in the Tuck community. Applicants who do well in the interview will showcase these skills and qualities in the interview. They will have high energy and show a passion for what they are talking about. In addition, if you are an international student, your ability to communicate in English will also be evaluated.

Dartmouth Tuck MBA interviews are either applicant initiated on-campus or Admissions initiated after an initial review of your application. Interviews are considered one data point in the application and will not make or break your application. It is to your benefit to schedule your interview after you have done your campus visit/tour. If you cannot schedule your interview for after the visit, try to talk to students. Many applicants lament that they have a better understanding of Tuck after they have had the chance to visit or talk with students.

The majority of on-campus interviews are given by Second-Year students. These students are chosen for their leadership on campus and their commitment to Tuck. This means these students love Tuck and have had a great experience and will want to talk about how great Tuck is. They are also a great resource to you! You should dress for your interview, regardless of location, in business dress. I know this can be a challenge in the cold weather in Hanover, but presentation counts.

Who will interview you, and how long will the interview last?

Like most business schools, the TUCK interview is taken by a Career Management Team. The interview is usually done by one member from the team. The interview typically lasts for 25-30 minutes or may extend to 35-40 minutes in some instances.

Will the interviewer have read my application?

It is always safer to assume that the Panel members have access to your complete application. In most instances, they would have read it completely. Unless the school specifically says that it will be an blind interview. Mostly North American Business schools in US and Canada have an  Blind interviews, European and SE Asian schools conduct interviews via Alums or panels which have full access to your entire application. 

How can you prepare for your interview?

Like most MBA Interviews, your interview will mainly revolve around a pretty similar set of MBA interview questions. You can never predict what questions will be asked, but with enough research, you can predict what are the most commonly asked questions in these interviews. We have created a short FAQ list below to get you a jump start, and we also have a free guide linked below to help you prepare for these commonly asked interview questions.

Dartmouth Tuck MBA Frequently Asked Interview Questions

Professional experience-related questions

  1. Tell me something about yourself, or Walk me through your resume.
  2. What are your short-term and long-term goals?
  3. Why MBA? or Why now? or Why an MBA at this stage of your career?
  4. Why Darthmouth TUCK?
  5. What is your Plan B? in case your primary goal does not happen?

Personal qualities-related questions

  1. What are your key strengths? Can you give some examples, please?
  2. What are your key weaknesses? Can you give some examples, please?
  3. How can you add value to the Class? or Why should we take you?
  4. Any reasons why we should not select you?
  5. Interests and Hobbies related questions – why do you do it, what have you achieved/learned?

Frequently Asked Situational & Behavioral Questions

  1. What is your leadership style? Can you give an example of a project you led?
  2. What would you describe are your greatest achievement to date?
  3. Give me an example of a time you failed.
  4. Give me an example of a time you faced a conflict. How did you handle that?
  5. Give me an example of a time when you did not meet a client’s expectations. What happened, and how did you attempt to rectify the situation?

The last one – Do you have any questions for us?

  1. Can you please tell me how international exchange students and schools are assigned?
  2. How club leadership is selected?
  3. Any other questions you may have in regards to the program.

Tuck MBA Interview Questions – 1

The interviewer was a 2nd year MBA student. She was very nice and made me feel relaxed and comfortable from the get-go. She escorted me to the conference room where the interview was held. On the walk there, we briefly talked about where I was traveling from, and the weather (It was raining a lot that day, and was messy). The interview questions were as follows:

1) Walk me through your résumé, and explain any transitions in work

2) Why do you need an MBA at this stage?

3) Why an MBA at Tuck as opposed to other schools?

4) How do you plan to contribute and engage yourself at Tuck?

After these intro questions, several behavioral questions were asked:

5) What would your current supervisor say about you?

6) What are some of your weaknesses?

7) Tell me about a time where you solved a problem at work.

8) What are you involved in outside of work? (extracurriculars)

9) Anything else that I should know about you?

Tuck MBA Interview Questions – 2

Had an afternoon interview that didn’t include a class, but showed up early and ran into someone i knew, and he took me to class.

I spent the night prior and day of in Hanover, walking around town. Probably that nicest, most outgoing group of grad students on earth. Lines up with the tuck rotating reputation.

Interview was, as everyone says, very casual and conversational.

She asked:

  • Go over my resume
  • What am i most proud of
  • What role do i fill in a group
  • A mistake I’ve made

Nothing odd. Lasted 30 minutes.

Tuck MBA Interview Questions – 3

Guaranteed interview for Round 2 with a MBA 2nd year student.

1. Tell me about yourself

2. Why MBA? (I included my ST/LT goals and why Tuck in this answer)

3. Tell me about your proudest accomplishment

4. Tell me about a time you received feedback

5. Tell me about a time you were out of your comfort zone

6. What do you want to be your legacy at Tuck?

7. Any questions for me? (Asked about the selectivity of a program offering and their experience so far)

The interview lasted for 35-40 mins and was very conversational.

Tuck MBA Interview Questions – 3

I was interviewed by McKenzie Hunt, the conversation is very casual. I submitted my application in August so it was a guaranteed interview. Questions were as follow:

1. Tell me about yourself/Walk me through your resume?

2. Any blockers you have faced during your professional journey and what did you do?

3. Professional achievement you are proud of?

4. What constructive feedback you have received and what did you do?

5. ST/LT Goals?

6. Why MBA?

7. Why Tuck?

8. How do you contribute to Tuck?

9. Anything I missed to ask or not covered?

10. Any Questions for me?”

Clients Testimonials

Tuck MBA Interview Questions – 4

The interviewer was a 2nd year student, specializing in consulting. While I had tested Zoom 30 mins prior and logged in 10 mins prior, my Zoom crashed, as soon as the interviewer joined(Murphy’s First Law, I guess). Took around 3-4 mins to join back. He gave a quick introduction of himself, and we started the interview. Questions[30 mins]

Profile Questions:

1. Walk me through your resume

2. ST/LT Goals

3. Why MBA?

4. Why now?

5. Why Tuck?

Before moving to the behavioral questions, he asked me if there was something I wanted to talk about, over and above the previous questions .

Behavioral Questions:

1. Tell me about a time when someone came to you with a complaint. Follow up questions on the incident

2. Tell me about a time when you failed

3. What do you want your legacy at Tuck to be?

4. Given Tuck emphasizes on teamwork, what are you going to bring to the table, during interactions with your team

5. What are the clubs that you would want to join at Tuck? Why?

6. Currently, what are your biggest fears about moving to Tuck?

Given the Zoom snafu, I had only 5 mins to ask him questions. Ended up asking 2 questions. Ended the conversation with apologizing again for the technical issues. Also, sent him a note of thanks within 30 mins after the interview.

Tuck MBA Interview Questions – 5

Interviewer was an Alumni. 

Questions asked were-

1. Walk me through your resume

2. Why MBA? Why now? Why Tuck?

3. LT/ST goals

4. How will you contribute to the school?

5. Follow up with behavioral questions, I remember one: a time when you helped someone.

I followed up with questions about her Tuck experience. She was nice and the interview went well overall.

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Tuck MBA Interview Questions – 6

The interview was with a second-year student, our meeting lasted around 40 minutes. The questions were-

1) Walk me through your resume

2) Short term goals

3) Why MBA? Why Tuck

4) Long term goals

Few behavioral questions

1) An occasion where you went outside of your comfort zone

2) Personal achievement that you are most proud of

3) Negative feedback that you received and how you handled it

4) Negative feedback that you have GIVEN and what/how

The floor was then open for any questions I had and/or if I wanted to add something to the discussion. The interviewer was very friendly and open.

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